Public Order and Riot Squad

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Public Order and Riot Squad (PORS)

One of the Public Order and Riot Squad rapid response vans.
One of the Public Order and Riot Squad rapid response vans.


[edit] History

The New South Wales Police Force Public Order and Riot Squad (PORS) is a full-time riot squad created in September 2005 becoming operational in January 2006 [1] within the Counter Terrorist Co-ordination Command.

PORS was created as a result of Parlimentary reports into the response and handling of riots in Redfern (February 2004) and Macquire Fields (February 2005) where command and control and resources were critised and found to be lacking/uncoordinated [2].

PORS is essentially the re-creation of the defunct Tactical Response Group of the 1980's except for some differences in charter and organisation [3].

[edit] Equipment

Public Order and Riot Squad officers during a training exercise.
Public Order and Riot Squad officers during a training exercise.

PORS are issued with a wide vareity of specialised crowd control and riot equipment including Taser [4]weapons and fully equipped high visbility riot vans and black 4WDs to allow rapid deployment across the State at a moments notice. The vans allow a team in full tactical/riot gear to deploy on the move and access equipment as needed quickly and without need to return to a station to access gear as the part time Operatinal Support Group (OSG) officers do.

[edit] Role

The Public Order and Riot Squad, currently commanded by Superintendent Steve Cullen are specialists in crowd control, bomb search, response to major chemical biological and radiological incidents and perform disaster victim identification duties, manpower support and assist general duties Police whenever a rapid co-ordinated response is needed at incidents such as brawls/street parties etc [5]. PORS role also includes attending major public protests and demonstrations, assisting with searches for evidence, people, property and drugs and canvassing witnesses during large-scale investigations. The unit also clears cells, transfers inmates and performs other security duties during industrial disputes at the State's prisons.

PORS also provide core officers for Operations Vikings. Operation Vikings was designed to provide a highly visible police presence across New South Wales. Large numbers of Police are deployed to these operations targeting anti-social and criminal behavour in known trouble or hot spots to provide high visibilty policing.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External links