Pub crawl

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A pub like this would be a likely stop on a pub crawl.
A pub like this would be a likely stop on a pub crawl.

A pub crawl (sometimes called a bar tour or bar-hopping) is the act of a group of people drinking in a number of pubs in a single night, normally walking between them. A similar act, but involving coffee instead of alcohol, is known as a café crawl.

[edit] Details

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term (including variations like "gin crawl" and "beer crawl") has been in use since the late 19th century. It's purportedly called a "crawl" because the participants are literally crawling from pub to pub after getting drunk at the first few pubs.

Many European cities have public pub crawls that act as social gatherings for the local expat communities and tourists. These pub crawls focus on the social aspect of meeting new friends and being introduced to new bars in a strange city. Examples of these include the FunkyParis pub crawl in Paris, the famous Berlin pub crawl,the FunkyRiviera pub crawls in Nice and Cannes, the Colosseum pubcrawl in Rome, and the Dublin Literary Pub Crawl, which is themed around the haunts of James Joyce, Samuel Beckett and Brendan Behan. Professional actors lead the Dublin Literary Pub Crawl and perform spirited selections from the works of Irish writers.[citation needed] Smaller sized gatherings for pub crawls are also growing in popularity in the United States in which nationalities participate.

[edit] See also

[edit] References Colosseum Pub Crawl in Rome

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