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PsYcHoDaN, or just Dan (born (1983- ) is a Resident of Florida and user of the online encyclopedia "Wikipedia". He Occasionally shares his self-proclaimed "off" views with the site mainly in the areas of Video Games or Movie Trivia. He actively works as a Website Designer, Concept artist, and Graphic Artist, and in his spare time is a Father and Husband.


[edit] Writing

Daniel is the creator of a franchise called "tha sPaCeBoYz". It contains several spin-offs that constantly interact with it's events and general show a different perspective on the same situations. The mediums of these stories include from comic books, novels, movies, and television shows

[edit] List of Written Titles

The use of even and odd caps is generally used only when typed via the internet with un-official fonts to make them stand out. Most stories are generally Science Fiction with Fantasy elements. sPaCeBoYz specific storylines are often cited as being "too confusing" as they offen reference a large amount of fictional technology and in some cases, offer subtle references. Through what is claimed as "existing in "Alternate Dimensions", The stories can peacefully co-exist within the same reality, including "ours". Although the stories exist in various forms of completion, they have yet to gain mainstream distribution or attention, possibly at the Author's personal interest.

[edit] Original Storylines

  • "Tha sPaCeBoYz"
  • "sPaCeGuRLz"
  • "sUsHiDo: Way Of The Sushi"
  • "AnTi-TiMe"
  • "Block4de Runners"
  • "De3p sPaCe"
  • "White N Wong"
  • "Rigel 7"

The Following are generally considered to exist within an "alternate dimension" of the sPaCeBoYz reality though some have crossed paths in certain places.

  • "Al Iean"
  • "The Adventures Of CaVeDaN"
  • "Strike Force"
  • "Strike Force: 2000"
  • "Robotix"

[edit] Other Works

[edit] External links