Wikipedia:Proposed deletion/Template prod

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a proposed Wikipedia policy, guideline, or process. The proposal may still be in development, under discussion, or in the process of gathering consensus for adoption. References or links to this page should not describe it as "policy".

A proposal's acceptance or rejection is not determined simply by counting votes.

[edit] Templates

Templates may also be proposed for deletion under certain circumstances.

  • The template should not be in use. Templates being transcluded should not be prodded.
  • Templates intended to be subst:'d should not be prodded because it is difficult to tell if they are in use. Any template which uses {{error:not substituted}} or which appears designed for use in any talk namespace should not be prodded.
  • Templates which appear to be an article mistakenly created in template space should not be prodded. The page should be moved to main space, where it may then be subject to the standard deletion policy for articles.
  • Templates which exist in user space should not be prodded. They are subject to the rules of miscellany for deletion.