Provisional Government of Saskatchewan

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The Provisional Government of Saskatchewan was the name given by Louis Riel to the independent state he declared during the Northwest Rebellion of 1885 in what is today the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Although Riel initially hoped to rally the First Nations, Anglo-Metis and white settlers of the Saskatchewan Valley to his banner this did not occur. The government, with the exception of Honore Jaxon and Chief White Cap, had an entirely French and Metis leadership. Gabriel Dumont was proclaimed Adjutant General in which capacity he became supreme military commander, although Riel could, and did, override his tactical decisions.

The governing council was named the Exovedate Latin for "those who have left the flock", and debated issues ranging from military policy to local bylaws and theological issues. It met at Batoche, Saskatchewan and only exercised real authority during its existence over the Southbranch Settlement.

The provisional government collapsed with the fall of Batoche (see Battle of Batoche) and capture of Riel.

[edit] See also