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A Motorola 68000-based computer with various TTL chips mounted on protoboards.
A Motorola 68000-based computer with various TTL chips mounted on protoboards.

A protoboard is a small board with many holes that is designed to build electrical circuits. These boards are usually numbered on the sides to make it easier to figure out the placement of the parts. Some boards have grooves on either side of them allowing you to connect several of them together. The boards are lined with a highly conductive metal along the bottom in rows and columns to allow the flow of current in a specific manner. Protoboards usually have 2 columns of holes on the sides, in groups of five, and 10 columns in the center, in 2 groups of five columns. In the center, each row is internally connected. The two groups, however, are not interconnected. All the holes on each side of the protoboard (the single column) are also connected.

[edit] See also

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