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ProtoWall 1.42
ProtoWall at
Developer: Bluetack / "DudeZ"
Latest release: 1.42 (build 5300) / as of August 30th 2006
Preview release: 2.01 (build 9) / as of August 30th 2006
OS: Microsoft Windows
License: Proprietary Freeware

ProtoWall (formerly eWall) is a closed-source freeware program for IP blocking that is quite similar to PeerGuardian from Phoenix Labs. It is designed to block connections from organizations such as the RIAA and MPAA while using filesharing networks.

ProtoWall achieves this via a low-level driver that filters network traffic. It is capable of filtering all NDIS protocols including IPV6 and, most importantly, TCP/IP and UDP - two protocols which are essential for the operation of file-sharing software. The driver sits at a low-level in the system and consequently there is only a small loss of performance when the driver is active.[1] Similar programs, such as older versions of PeerGuardian, utilised large amounts of CPU cycles and RAM because of the need to check network traffic several times per second and remove undesired connections - ProtoWall's network driver approach does not suffer from this problem.

ProtoWall's filtering is controlled by the use of blocklists, text files containing the IP addresses of organisations opposed to file-sharing (such as the RIAA), and the related Blocklist Manager program.

Although it works in a similar manner, ProtoWall is not a fully-featured software firewall and is not suitable for securing a computer from internet-based attacks, however it can be used alongside a firewall without problems.

[edit] Criticism

Unlike similar programs such as PeerGuardian 2 and MoBlock, ProtoWall remains closed-source. The creators of ProtoWall state that ProtoWall remains closed-source to "prevent cloning and others stealing its code."[2] However, this prevents users from viewing or modifying the source code and thus prevents independent verification of the effectiveness of the driver.[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Introducing ProtoWall -
  2. ^ Questions about the ProtoWall IP blocker -
  3. ^ No Black Boxes Are Possible - Advantages of open source software

[edit] See also

[edit] External links