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The Proslogion, (also spelled Proslogium; English translation of title - Discourse on the Existence of God), written in 1077-1078, was an attempt by the medieval cleric Anselm to prove beyond contention the existence of God.


[edit] Faith seeking understanding

Anselm wrote this discourse, not from the perspective of an attempt to convince non-Christians of the truth of Christianity, but rather from the perspective of a Christian believer seeking a rationale for his/her faith. His original title for the discourse, in fact, was Faith Seeking Understanding. The Proslogium is the source for Anselm's famous and highly controversial ontological argument for the existence of God--that is, the argument in favor of God's existence by definition. While opinions concerning the ontological argument vary widely (and have from the moment the Proslogium was written), it is generally agreed that the argument is most convincing to Anselm's intended audience: that is, Christian believers seeking a rational basis for their belief in God.

The Argument - Dr. Scott H. Moore

  1. One can imagine a being than which none greater can be conceived.
  2. We know that existence in reality is greater than existence in the mind alone.
  3. If the being we imagine exists only in our mind, then it is not a "being than which none greater can be conceived."
  4. A being than which none greater can be conceived must also exist in reality.
  5. Failure to exist in reality would be failure to be a being than which none greater can be conceived.
  6. Thus a being than which none greater can be conceived must exist, and we call this being God.

[edit] Excerpts

CHAPTER I: Encouraging the Mind to Contemplate God
Come on now little man, get away from your worldly occupations for a while, escape from your tumultuous thoughts. Lay aside your burdensome cares and put off your laborious exertions. Give yourself over to God for a little while, and rest for a while in Him. Enter into the cell of your mind, shut out everything except God and whatever helps you to seek Him once the door is shut. Speak now, my heart, and say to God, "I seek your face; your face, Lord, I seek." Source: Medieval Sourcebook

CHAPTER II: That God Truly Exists

CHAPTER III: That God Cannot be Thought Not to Exist

CHAPTER IV: How the Fool Managed to Say in His Heart That Which Cannot be Thought

[edit] References

English translation of Proslogion:

(1962) "Proslogion", in Sidney N. Deane: St. Anselm: Basic Writings, trans. by Sidney D. Deane, Chicago: Open Court. ISBN 0-87548-109-4. 

[edit] External links

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