Prophet Yahweh

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The Prophet Yahweh summoning UFOs.
The Prophet Yahweh summoning UFOs.

Ramon Watkins, more famously known as Prophet Yahweh, or The Seer of Yahweh (b. 1952 or 1953) is an American man who resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Prophet Yahweh claims to have the ability to summon UFOs using passages from the Bible. He says that he developed this ability after studying the Old Testament in its original Hebrew form and gaining knowledge related to UFOs from his studies.


[edit] Biography

Prophet Yahweh was born as Ramon Watkins in Memphis, Tennessee. He briefly attended Tuskegee Institute on a basketball scholarship before accepting a football scholarship to Southern Illinois University where he joined the ministry. Prophet Yahweh's first radio ministry occurred on WYZE, an Atlanta, Georgia radio station, in 1978. In 1981, he began his first cable television program at Viacom. In 1996, he began airing a UFO cable TV show in Los Angeles, California.

In 1999, Prophet Yahweh claims he had a dream instructing him to move to Las Vegas. It was on August 1, 1999 that he began broadcasts of his cable television show; Prophet Yahweh – Ufologist.

Notably, "Yahweh" or YHWH is the name of God in Judaism; use of this name is regarded as blasphemous by Jews.

[edit] Claims

Prophet Yahweh espouses a similar belief system to of previous contactees and founders of UFO religions, stating that Yahweh and his angels are extraterrestrial beings and that UFOs are their manifestations. Furthermore, he claims that Yahweh in particular is an extremely powerful being residing on a distant planet who controls many if not all of the mechanisms of the universe and creation, he is thus the central figure in the Universe and is the real identity of the figure worshipped by the Abrahamic religions. Prophet Yahweh does assert that UFOs are spacecraft, however unlike most believers in the Extraterrestrial hypothesis, he claims they are automated and not manned. Yahweh says he has been summoning UFOs for the past 25 years and has summoned over 1,500 UFOs but only decided to go to the media with his abilities because he was ordered to do so by Yahweh.

Prophet Yahweh does not consider himself a New Age religious leader and instead views himself as being Jewish and believes that his beliefs fit into traditional Jewish religious thinking. Although he has adopted the name Prophet he claims he is not truly a prophet and is not the central figure in any coming religious revelation, he is a mere seer and messenger instructed by Yahweh to bring his message of coming UFO sightings to the people of Earth.

Yahweh has made controversial claims about Christianity. According to the Prophet, the modern day Gospel is a forgery in which Jesus is portrayed as a homosexual. However, the Prophet himself admits to being a homosexual in the past, along with being diagnosed as mentally ill.

Prophet Yahweh says he has been preparing for over a quarter of a century, awaiting the day Yahweh would further his role as a Prophet to expose the truth world-wide through the phenomena of UFO's. In one radio show interview, Prophet Yahweh explains how his grandfather was a Freemason, and when Prophet was little, taught him many secrets about the church. On many occasions Prophet also explains how life was like back in the day, "I was raised busted, disgusted, but I could be trusted." Also, as described from his Yahoo bulletins, Prophet Yahweh got caught up in drugs during the 60's and later embraced the homosexual lifestyle. However, today, he is once again a heterosexual and happily married to "an African queen".

Prophet Yahweh denies having any form of power, but rather a relationship with the extra-terrestrial beings he refers to as "The Angels of Yahweh". Prophet Yahweh does not claim to be their leader. On countless occasions he has stated he is merely a pawn to Yahweh and The Angels of Yahweh. He says the most important reason they are here is because the Earth is currently locked in a complete state of death due to the Luciferian forces at work. Through the centuries they have infiltrated every religion guiding humanity down a continuous path of no return. They have managed to replace words in ancient scriptures enabling us to lose all effect of our prayers and in turn we are actually worshiping Lucifer. Also, prophet yahweh says Jesus Christ was not the Messiah's name. Prophet Yahweh then went into detail about how our Messiah did in fact come but his name was Emanuel. His purpose was to re-instate the true religion of Yahweh - the religion which Adam, Moses, Abraham and the rest of the holy blood line followed. Supposedly, nearly everything written about the Messiah is wrong. According to Prophet Yahweh's research, the entire New Testament is a fraud including the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and the only sacred scriptures are the Wide Document Hebrew Version Old Testament Prophet Yahweh states that humanity has been lead down a path of no return and our only salvation is through the intervention of the creator, Yahweh.

According to the voice of Yahweh heard by The Prophet, Earth is the only inhabited planet in the universe that is opposed to truth and everything Yahweh represents. Apparently, our creator Yahweh has a federation of planets where all worship Yahweh. Also, each planet has the same morality and life-style and they all live in perfect harmony.

Prophet Yahweh explains how Yahweh and his Angels are not spiritual beings but rather super-human beings that live on an extremely advanced planet which is inhabited by countless races of every color and form. Yahweh's Angels fit the exact resemblance of the so-called humanoid "Nordics" seen in many abductions. According to Prophet Yahweh, the greys are actually robotic beings, biological otherwise who reside on Yahweh's planet. The inhabitants of Yahweh’s planet utilize robots in every aspect of life. For instances, you could merely think of something and the robots will already be doing what you asked for in your mind. However, the main reason robots are needed is because of the huge population rate on the planet due to the fact it is where one goes when a person dies. Also, the "Yahweh Military" as Prophet Yahweh calls it, uses robots to their full extent for purposes such as psychological warfare which they even plan to use against Earth.

The Prophet says Yahweh's Angel's have been slowly making their presence known to Earth and have even abducted people, took them back to Yahweh's planet and shown them the ways of Yahweh.

The Prophet also says that Yahweh, our creator, has sent a delegation of ships stationed all over the Earth (outside the Earth's atmosphere). These ships are filled with countless types of smaller vessels which are released to catch people's attention and wake up our minds to their presence.

According to Prophet Yahweh the first phase will begin shortly after. Phase one is referred to as "Public Descent" where Yahweh's delegation of ships will uncloak and sit over major populations - similar to the movie Independence Day. Phase Two will start officially around 2009 where Yahweh's Angels will land in front of the governments of the earth. They will exit their ships and go to a podium where they will begin addressing the entire world of who they are. The reason why this will happen around 2009 is because this is the amount of time it will take for the entire population of the world to come to them.

According to Prophet Yahweh, the "devil" which they will throw down the hole to the lake of fire is all the religious and government leaders who are preventing each person from having an eternal life. Yahweh and his Angels will then re-instate the religion of Yahweh and make all other religions illegal and punishable by death. This is why Prophet Yahweh despises so many religions and religious leaders. It is because these leaders are preventing humanity from living in harmony and living an eternal life. Prophet Yahweh also explains how shortly after they descend, all of our technology will become obsolete since theirs is so unbelievably superior to anything we have ever developed.

Prophet Yahweh gave a conterversial story for what actually happened at Roswell in 1947. According to Prophet Yahweh, a U.F.O (small space vessel) crashed in the desert BY DESIGN. He claims that the Roswell crash was deliberate because it is impossible for one of Yahweh's vessels to be destroyed. Also, he says that they are just not capable of crashing and that the reason why this crash was intentional was because Yahweh's angels could not make contact to the entire population of Earth due to the level of technology man had.Furthermore, Prophet Yahweh claims that because of the crash, in two years came fiber optics, lasers, and integrated circuits. This was everything man needed in order to progress technologically at an exploding rate. Apparently the General who was in charge of cleaning up the debris took the vessel to major technology firms where they began reverse engineering. Since then, most of our advancements have come in the form of communication. (Internet, satellite transmissions, world-wide broadcasting) Prophet Yahweh said the military have known the Grey's were robotic beings for a long time. Ever since the vessel had crashed, prophet yahweh said the military tried talking and reasoning with them and saw they were too dumb to be the architects of the ship. They only possessed enough intelligence to do what they were told to.

[edit] May 2005 incident

Yahweh claimed that for 45 days, from June 1 until July 15, 2005, he would summon a series of UFOs over the city of Las Vegas. In particular one ship would hover directly over the city for a period of two days, in an area where millions of people would be able to witness the craft. This event was referred to as The Descent by Yahweh as it is meant to reveal to the population of Earth that UFOs are real. Following The Descent would come another period of time where the UFOs would land, this time manned by the extraterrestrial beings who had created them, at which point the alien life will make contact with humanity, explain themselves and the Universe to a greater extent, and set up an eternal kingdom on the planet. However, these events never happened.

On May 28, 2005 a news crew from KTNV Channel 13 (a Las Vegas ABC affiliate) met with Prophet Yahweh in order to do a piece for the 11:00 news about his predictions. The piece was to be humorous and skewer Yahweh's far-fetched and seemingly frivolous predictions.[citation needed] The news crew chose the day, time, and location and Prophet Yahweh had no prior knowledge of where or when the event would take place until thirty minutes before. As Prophet Yahweh claimed to be summoning UFOs with KTNV's reporter Mike Dello Stritto near him and a camera-crew taping him, two unidentified objects appeared in the sky. One was a white object that appeared and maneuvered in the sky before disappearing. The second was an orange orb that appeared and made strange maneuvers in the air before disappearing as well. The incident was completely caught on tape and shown on that evening's newscast.[citation needed] The reporter, Dello Stritto, claims that he went into the incident hoping to make light of Yahweh's claims but left impressed and genuinely believing he had seen some sort of unidentified object.[citation needed] KTNV subsequently made calls to Nellis Air Force Base to see if they could account for any aircraft or aerial objects in the area at that time. Nellis never responded.[citation needed]

A few days after the period when his prophecy was supposed to happen, the prophet announced that he was going to begin a 50 State UFO Summoning Tour 2005, during which he would travel to every state in the United States and summon UFOs for media outlets to film and photograph. He claimed to have been abandoned by all of the media in Las Vegas, resulting in the UFOs not coming during the 45 days he had prophesied:

The spaceship would never have appeared if I was not filmed calling it down. This is what the space beings wanted. They wanted me captured on film with their spaceship so everyone would know that these beings have chosen me to speak for them and no other person. The space beings kept their end of the bargain by sending a real UFO, on my signal, that was documented. But, Las Vegas media refused to film me calling down the spaceship. That's why it never happened.[citation needed]

[edit] Media

A short time before Prophet Yahweh's apparent summoning of UFOs on local news, Yahweh had appeared on the nationwide radio program Coast to Coast AM. Shortly after the incident, Prophet Yahweh appeared on the Alan Colmes radio program and conservative news website World Net Daily [1]. The story was also widely reported in digital, television and print media.

Although Yahweh received little media publicity in the immediate aftermath of the KTNV incident, the Internet news website UFO secured what they claimed was an exclusive interview with him. The Prophet also received lots of attention on various blogs in June 2005, such as boing boing [2], as well as many personal blogs who have reposted the story and video. He can be considered at least a brief Internet phenomenon.

[edit] JREF Challenge

In June 2005, Yahweh applied to James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge, and was set to undertake their challenge (to prove his ability to summon UFOs) in January 2006. However, in December 2005, the JREF closed his claim file, due to disagreements over new requirements proposed by Yahweh, particularly his request that armed security be present.

[edit] Air Force Base Airshow Challenge

On 26 June 2006, Prophet Yahweh appeared on the internet radio program World of the Unexplained taking questions from callers. A caller on that show suggested that Prophet Yahweh should do a summoning at an Air Force base during an airshow. Airshows are free and open to the public, and there are thousands of people there looking up at the sky to see the show, especially when the US Air Force Thunderbirds are performing. The media is always there as well as many professional aerial photographers. If UFOs appeared with all those professional cameras trained on the sky and all those people watching, the media would not be able to ignore it. Since the Thunderbirds draw a big crowd, the caller suggested the best thing for Prophet Yahweh to do is to attend an airshow when the Thunderbirds are performing. A quick check of their schedule shows the Thunderbirds will perform at Nellis in Nov 2006. The caller suggested Prophet Yahweh should take advantage of this fantastic opportunity, and Prophet Yahweh declined with no explanation given.

[edit] Debunking

There is a picture that purportedly show Prophet Yahweh holding a bundle of balloons. Prophet Yahweh himself, however, claimed on the Coast to Coast AM radio show that it is not him. He says that he is only half-African American and therefore rather light-skinned whereas the man in the photograph is rather dark-skinned. Prior to the Yahweh story, the picture was (and still remains) one of the first images that appears on a Google image search for "weather balloon". The picture comes from a Girl Scouts page from the website of Intel Computer Clubhouse, a project of Boston's Museum of Science in collaboration with the MIT Media Laboratory. source

One explanation that has been offered to account for Prophet Yahweh's purported ability to summon UFOs is that when he goes into meditation, he sends a digital signal to a friend a mile or so away who then releases balloons into the air. Yahweh then only has to scan the sky for the balloons. However, this is mere speculation and no evidence of this has been found. Furthermore, during the KTNV incident, the news crew took Yahweh to a location of their choosing at a time of their choosing, without disclosing it to Yahweh beforehand. It would therefore be difficult for a friend to locate the crew and place himself in the vicinity in order to launch the balloons. Many have also claimed that the objects seen in the KTNV news segment do not exhibit the movements or characteristics of balloons, but such movements can be duplicated by tethering the balloon with lightweight string and towing it with a vehicle.[citation needed]

It is claimed by some[citation needed] that Prophet Yahweh was involved in a program to help underprivileged African-American children in 1997 during which he developed an interest in weather balloons. 1997 was also the year Yahweh went public with his ability to summon UFOs, leading some to tie the two facts together.[citation needed] Yahweh claims he had been summoning UFOs for 25 years prior, however.

Prophet Yahweh had been debunked completely by filmmakers Abdullah Hashem and Joseph McGowen. In a documentary scheduled for release next year, Abdullah Hashem and Joseph McGowen captured Prophet Yahweh attempting to summon U.F.Os. however, the UFO did not show up. Prophet Yahweh firmly states that his summonings were sabotoged by a group called the Raelians. Prophet Yahweh says that the reason for this is because the Raelians use Yahwehs name to perform disgusting acts, some of them which were exposed by Abdullah Hashem and Joseph McGowen.

[edit] External links

[edit] Sceptical analysis and debunking