Prophecy (Voyager episode)

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Star Trek: VOY episode

Voyager finds Klingons in the Delta Quadrant
Episode no. 160
Prod. code 260
Airdate February 7, 2001
Writer(s) Larry Nemecek
J. Kelley Burke
Raf Green
Kenneth Biller
Mike Sussman
Phyllis Strong
Director Terry Windell
Guest star(s) Sherman Howard as T'Greth
Paul Eckstein as Morak
Wren T. Brown as Kolar
Peggy Jo Jacobs as Ch'Rega
Year 2377
Stardate 54518.2
Episode chronology
Previous "Repentance"
Next "The Void"

Prophecy is an episode of the TV series Star Trek: Voyager, the fourteenth episode of the seventh season. The episode deals with religious belief and stem cells.

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

An antique Klingon ship attacks Voyager. The captain of the Klingon ship refers to the Federation as "sworn enemies of the Empire."

Naturally, Kolar doesn't believe Kathryn Janeway when she says that the Federation and the Empire have been at peace for almost a century. When he sees B'Elanna Torres, who is pregnant, he changes his mind. He has his crew fake a core breach on his ship so that all the Klingons aboard get beamed over to Voyager.

Kolar did this because he believes Torres's unborn child is the prophesied "Kuva'mach," the savior of the Klingon people, the one whom Kolar's ancestors left the Klingon world in a multi-generational voyage in order to meet. The elder Klingons are very skeptical, especially because Torres is only half Klingon and her daughter is only quarter Klingon. T'Greth challenges Tom Paris, B'Elanna's husband, to a duel to the death, which Paris accepts. At Janeway's insistence, however, T'Greth and Paris agree to a non-lethal duel with blunted bat'leths. To everyone's surprise, T'Greth loses the duel.

Turns out that T'Greth suffers from a seemingly incurable disease which afflicts all Klingons, including Torres and her unborn child. The Doctor comes up with a cure by using stem cells from B'Elanna's baby.

The subplot concerns Harry Kim not wanting to mate with Ch'Rega, a Klingon woman who lusts after him but to whom he is not attracted. Neelix offers to take her off Harry's hands. Harry pretends that Neelix beat him handily in a physical fight, and Ch'Rega is most impressed. Neelix and Ch'Rega copulate in Tuvok's quarters, leaving the place an utter mess.

The Klingons relocate to an M-class planet while Paris and Torres agree to consider "Kuva'mach" as a possible name for the baby.

[edit] Notes

  • The Klingons depicted in this episode have cranial ridges. Since they departed Klingon space at a point concurrent with the original Star Trek series, in which human-looking Klingons were seen, these Klingons were apparently not affected by the Augment virus as seen in the Star Trek: Enterprise episodes "Affliction" and "Divergence."

[edit] External links

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