Proof procedure

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In logic, and in particular proof theory, a proof procedure is a method of proving statements. A statement p that is provable from a non-empty set Γ of statements in a theory K is called a deduction of p from Γ in K. If Γ is empty then p is either a theorem of K (i.e., pK) or an axiom of K if K is axiomatic. We express that p is deducible (or provable or derivable or demonstrable) from Γ in K in symbols as

\Gamma \vdash_K P.

There are several types of proof procedures. The most popular are natural deduction, sequent calculi (i.e., Gentzen type systems), Hilbert type axiomatic systems, and semantic tableaux or trees.

We call a proof procedure M for a theory K sound if each and every member of the set of deducible formulas is valid (with respect to the semantics of K). We say that M is complete if the set of deducible formulas is a superset of the set of valid formulas of K. (Generally this last statement regarding completeness states that M is complete if the set of deducible formulas is exactly the set of valid formulas of K. But proof procedures that prove, e.g., every formula, are trivially complete even if K is consistent. They are, however, unsound.)

[edit] See also