Project Hope

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Project Hope (希望工程) is a public service project organized by the China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF). Started in October 30 1989, it aims to bring schools into poverty-stricken rural areas of China, to help children whose families are too poor to afford it to complete elementary school education. Through Project Hope, the CYDF has also sought to improve educational facilities and improve teaching quality in poorer regions.


[edit] Achievements

By the end of 2004, Project Hope has

  • raised over 2.5 billion Renminbi funds.
  • financed education of more than 2,600,000 poor rural students
  • built 11266 "Hope Primary Schools" (希望小学), which consists of 2.5% of all the rural primary schools.
  • established "Project Hope Scholarship"(希望之星奖学金), providing financial assistance to about 130,000 secondary and tertiary students.
  • funded over 10,000 primary schools in rural areas to build library
  • built over 150 distance learning centers to help students living in remote areas.

Some 80 percent of the Hope Project primary schools and students aided by the project are located in China's middle and western regions, which are less developed. (Liu, 2004)

[edit] Influences

According to a report by National Research Center for Science and Technology for Development (Xu, 1999), 93.9 percent of residents in 29 provincial capital cities aged above 16 have heard of Project Hope, and 63.5 percent have contributed to it in various ways. The report drew the conclusion that Project Hope has become the largest and most influential non-governmental welfare project in China.

[edit] References

  • Liu, Fei. 2004. 15 years of Project Hope(希望工程15年). [1]
  • Xu, Yongguang. 1999. How is Contribute Money Spent—Assessment Report of Hope Project Results(捐款是怎样花的希望工程效益评估报告). Zhejiang Renmin Publisher.

[edit] External links

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