Project Condign
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Project Condign is a secret UFO study undertaken by the British Government's Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) between 1997-2000.
On May 15th 2006 the MOD released, under the Freedom of information in the United Kingdom, a full report on a highly secretive UFO study, codenamed 'Project Condign'. The report, stamped "Secret: UK Eyes Only", was completed in 2000. [1] [2] [3] BBC News report
Codenamed 'Project Condign', the report is the most highly classified UFO document ever to have been released under the UK's Freedom of Information Act.
The report came to light as a result of Freedom of Information requests made by two British UFO researchers, Dr David Clarke and Gary Anthony in September 2005.
They released news of the discovery to the media early in May 2006 and shortly afterwards, the MoD uploaded a copy of the entire report to their website.
A full discussion of the report, including scans of the Executive Summary can be found on the Real UFO Project website at: