Progress in Physics

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Progress in Physics is an American scientific peer-reviewed journal, publishing on studies in theoretical and experimental physics, including related themes from mathematics. The journal aims to promote fair and non-commercialized science, as stated in the "Academic Bill of Rights"[1][2][3][4][5]

"Owing to furtive jealousy and vested interest, modern science abhors open discussion and wilfully banishes those scientists who question the orthodox views. Very often, scientists of outstanding ability, who point out deficiencies in current theory or interpretation of data, are labelled as crackpots, so that their views can be conveniently ignored."[1]

The journal, which commenced publication in 2005, is issued quarterly. It is a non-commercial edition available both paper-bound and online. The editorial board is composed of Dmitri Rabounski (Editor-in-Chief), Florentin Smarandache, Larissa Borissova, and Stephen J. Crothers, all of whom are currently working at Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico. The journal is open access, and is included in the list of open access journals at the DOAJ of the Swedish Lund University.

[edit] References and notes

  1. ^ a b Dmitri Rabounski (2006). "Declaration of Academic Freedom (Scientific Human Rights) (English)". Progress in Physics 1: 57-60. 
  2. ^ Dmitri Rabounski (2006). "Declaración de Libertad Académica(Derechos científicos del Ser Humano) (Spanish)". Progress in Physics 2: 93-96. 
  3. ^ Dmitri Rabounski (2006). "Declaratie van Academische Vrijheid (Wetenschappelijke Mensenrechten) (Dutch)". Progress in Physics 3: 3-6. 
  4. ^ Dmitri Rabounski (2007). "Декларация за Академична Свобода (Научни Човешки Права) (Bulgarian)". Progress in Physics 3: 3-6. 
  5. ^ Dmitri Rabounski (2007). "Declaraţie asupra Libertăţii Academice (Drepturile Omului în Domeniul Ştiinţific) (Romanian)". Progress in Physics 3: 7-10. 

[edit] External links

United States Library of Congress
Progress in Physics home page, ISSN 1555-5534 (print), ISSN 1555-5615 (online).