Production schedule

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This article is about production scheduling in the context of movie or theatrical production. Please see scheduling production processes for production scheduling in the context of manufacturing plans.

The production schedule is a project plan of how the production budget will be spent over a given timescale, for every phase of filmmaking.

  • Cast
  • Special Effects
  • Wardrobe
  • Special Equipment
  • Stunts
  • Extras/Silent Bits
  • Props
  • Make-up/Hair
  • Extras/Atmosphere
  • Vehicles/Animals
  • Sound Effects/Music
  • Production Notes

From the Breakdown Sheets the Production Manager compiles a production board using either industry standard computer software such as Movie Magic EP Scheduling or a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet.

From the production board the Production Manager makes-up a shooting schedule for every day of the shoot.

[edit] See also

Breaking down the script

[edit] References

  • Film Scheduling by Ralph S. Singleton (2nd Ed, 1991)
  • Film Production Management by Bastian Cleve (2nd Ed, 2000)
  • The Complete Film Production Handbook (3rd Ed, 2001)
  • Production board in Microsoft Office Excel by Eddy Grabczewski (2006)