Probus Clubs
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The Probus Club movement was formed in the United Kingdom in 1965. Often sponsored by Rotary International, Probus Clubs cater for the interests of retired or semi-retired professional or business people. Each club is autonomous. The movement is now almost world wide.
Since 1985, the Rotary International Board has encouraged Rotary clubs to initiate projects that address the needs of a growing senior (over age 60) population.
In 1974, Probus expanded into New Zealand and by 1976 the idea had spread to Australia. The first Probus club for seniors in North America was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Galt in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada in 1987. Although Probus membership has its greatest concentrations in Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, clubs today exist in all parts of the world, including the U.S., Belgium, India, South Africa and several other countries in Africa and Asia.
Probus clubs have no central governing body but Probus Centers have been established internationally by country to disseminate information and assist clubs. Offices are staffed largely by volunteers and operating costs are met by member contributions.
By 2002, there are over 300,000 members in approximately 4,000 Probus clubs worldwide.
Typically, meetings are held at regular intervals, perhaps twice monthly, with a break during the Summer.
Renowned for their informality, Probus Club meetings may consist of a rendezvous for morning coffee, followed by a talk by an invited speaker on a topic of interest to the members. Members themselves contribute to the programme with accounts of their experiences or by providing entertainment at festive occasions.
Probus clubs are local to towns and districts and often can be located in town web sites.