Pro Players
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Pro Players ProPlayers is a website company owened by Football Network Ltd. is an online transfer market for senior and reserve football players who have been released by their professional clubs and those who feel they have the potential to earn a contract at the lower league or semi professional level in the UK.
Being released is by no means the end of a football players dream. Instead, it is an exciting opportunity to find a new club who will offer the support and encouragement needed to re-launch their career.
Even if you are a player who is yet to be scouted or discovered, firmly believes that if you have the talent then you deserve the chance to impress, no matter what your age or what your playing background.
With a network of contacts at professional and semi professional football clubs across the country, is able gain first hand knowledge of what football clubs are looking for and secure players trials for our members throughout the season.
For more information or to join please click here. ProPlayers Site