Talk:Princess Royal Island
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The article has a number of incorrect facts.
Although the Tsimshiam are historically the largest group to inhabit the island there were other non-native communities on the island until recently. Butdale cannery, in its day was one of the largest canneries on the north coast. It operated until the early 1960’s. At the end of Surf inlet is a large dam and remnants of the power house. This dam supplied power to a mining community further inland on the island. This mine ran until the late 1940’s and was British Columbia’s most productive gold mine in its day. There were a couple of other non-native communities that also impacted Princess Royal Islands resources early in the 20th century. Near Butedale and across on the mainland side from the island was Swanson Bay, the site of BC’s first wood pulp mill. Another large mine and community was found along the Kutze River – you can still easily find the rail line. Today you have a number of large floating lodges that can be found in Banard Harbour along the north west side of the island.
Also, as noted in your article about the Kermode Bear, this bear is not found just on Princess Royal Island. There are also not grizzly bears on Princess Royal Island or mountain goats.