Privoz Market

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Coordinates: 46°28′11″N, 30°43′57″E

The famous Privoz market, located at Privoznaya 14, is the largest food market in Odessa, Ukraine.[1][2][3]

Vender at Privoz Market
Vender at Privoz Market

Privoz began in 1827, when wares were sold from the back of horse driven carts.[4]

Privoz adjoined the Stary (old) bazaar (also called the Volny (free) market) the first bazaar in Odessa. Gradually more buildings were constructed as the city grew.

In the 1940's zoo animals were moved from the Odessa zoo to Simferopol. Four year old elephant Murza (Мурза) escaped. It ran to the fruit section of the Privoz market and ate several apples, pulled out pickled cucumbers from a barrel, tasted some fresh cabbage and dried fruits. Murza was caught and returned to the zoo. A popular Russian comedy film, "The Stripped Trip" was inspired by this incident.[5]

A western journalist explained his visit to the market:

I headed over to Privoz market, which is sort of like a cross between a department store on the one hand and a recycling center on the other. There's caviar, shoes, accessories, food, perfume, toiletries, things like that. And then there are the guys selling things like rusty old tools laid out on moth-eaten blankets. Or the old school five and a quarter inch floppy disk drives. There's even somebody selling wheels, just wheels, including a matching set of three that were obviously taken from a perambulator at some point.[6]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Karakina, Yelena; Tatyana Samoilova, Anna Ishchenko (2004). Touring Odessa. BDRUK. ISBN 966-8137-01-9.  p. 18
  2. ^ (November 6 2002) "Ukrainian Opposition MP Calls For Probe into Odessa Scandals". BBC Monitoring International Reports. 
  3. ^ Schemann, Serge (October 26 1991). "Odessa Journal; They Laugh Now, but Then Didn't They Always?": 2. 
  4. ^ Historical information. Retrieved on September 5, 2006. Ru: {{{1}}}
  5. ^ Odessa Sightseeing. Retrieved on September 5, 2006.
  6. ^ Nyad, Diana; Jared Manasek (September 21 2002). "Attempts to recreate a movie scene in Odessa". Savvy Traveler (NPR). 

[edit] External links