Privacy Rights Clearinghouse

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Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) is a project of the Utility Consumers' Action Network (UCAN), an American 501(c)(3) non-profit consumer advocacy organization. The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is devoted to upholding the right to privacy and protecting consumers against identity theft and other privacy crimes.

It was established in 1992 by Beth Givens and is based in San Diego, California.

They espouse what they describe as a two-part mission -- consumer information and consumer advocacy:

  • Raise consumers' awareness of how technology affects personal privacy.
  • Empower consumers to take action to control their own personal information by providing practical tips on privacy protection.
  • Respond to specific privacy-related complaints from consumers, intercede on their behalf, and, when appropriate, refer them to the proper organizations for further assistance.
  • Document the nature of consumers' complaints and questions about privacy in reports, testimony, and speeches and make them available to policy makers, industry representatives, consumer advocates, and the media.
  • Advocate for consumers' privacy rights in local, state, and federal public policy proceedings, including legislative testimony, regulatory agency hearings, task forces, and study commissions as well as conferences and workshops.

The PRC received the 1997 Consumer Action Award for its "outstanding service to consumers," and PRC Director Beth Givens received a 2002 Pioneer Award from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. They have published numerous resources online and in print.

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