Prison Break-In

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Arrested Development episode
"Prison Break-In"
Episode No 3AJD08
Airdate December 12, 2005
Writer(s) Karey Dornetto
Director Bob Berlinger
On the next: “George Michael gets closer to his family, George Michael experiences his unhappiest moment ever, Buster tries to forget his recent losses by breaking out the old guitar, and G.O.B. finally faces a phobia he’d faced before.”
Guest star(s) James Lipton as Warden Gentiles

Arrested Development Season 3
September 2005 - February 2006

  1. The Cabin Show
  2. For British Eyes Only
  3. Forget-Me-Now
  4. Notapusy
  5. Mr. F
  6. The Ocean Walker
  7. Prison Break-In
  8. Making a Stand
  9. S.O.B.s
  10. Fakin' It
  11. Family Ties
  12. Exit Strategy
  13. Development Arrested
All Arrested Development episodes

"Prison Break-In" was the forty-seventh episode aired of TV comedy series Arrested Development.


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Michael Bluth paid an unexpected visit to his mother. Lucille immediately figured he wanted something, since he had been ignoring the family in favor of Rita lately. Michael reminded her that his relationship was over, and he thought it was for the best. But actually, he was so devastated by the breakup that he had broken out the old guitar.

Buster, meanwhile, was excited about the new pet turtle he had brought home in an incredibly misguided attempt to make his mother jealous. He had named the turtle Mother, and stored it in a box that Oscar had left behind. A box that Oscar used to store his medicinal marijuana. Michael reminded Lucille that he needed her because he was the co-chair of the Bluth Foundation Dinner. He wanted to avoid a previous debacle in which the family couldn’t agree on which disease to raise money for and sent out invitations that read, “Disease: TBA”. They ended up raising $25,000 to fight TBA. And then did it again the next year. When donors finally found out, they nearly rioted.

Lucille assured Michael that he had nothing to worry about because Warden Gentiles, the man who formerly ran George Senior’s prison, was the new co-chair. And at that moment, the good warden was installing cameras in Lucille’s penthouse because of George Senior’s frequent escape attempts. And also so he could study George Sr. further because he was the main character in the warden’s screenplay, New Warden. Although George Sr. insisted that, thanks to his new hobby of making papier mache copies of his own head, he was now happy at home. Lucille raved that the warden was letting them hold the dinner in a new wing of the jail, and after dinner, everybody would get to spend the night in a cell.

So Michael went home to complain to Lindsay. This disappointed Maeby, as she had met with Warden Gentles to use his prison as a film location. Lindsey excitedly told Michael about this year’s disease, GVH, or Graft Versus Host, an insidious disease which Tobias was currently suffering from. His hair transplant was rejecting his body, meaning that Tobias had to remove his hair graft or die. Lindsay, of course, was making Tobias keep the hair until the benefit dinner. Tobias, growing sicker by the second, didn’t mind so much, since he got to star in the video G.O.B. was making for the dinner.

Michael began to worry that Warden Gentiles was using Lucille, but Lindsay figured he just liked her. George-Michael came down and announced that he was going to skip the gala this year. What he didn’t say is that it was because he was having trouble looking directly at his dying uncle.

Oscar could never leave a little bud behind.
Oscar could never leave a little bud behind.

Buster was also feeling abandoned by Mother, his now dead turtle. But at that moment, his true father, Oscar, returned, looking for his weed. When he learned that Buster’s turtle ate it all, he tried to leave, not wanting to be seen by George Sr. Buster begged him to stay, telling him he could hide in one of Gob’s tricks. And Maeby, bored by New Warden, asked George Michael to read it. And Michael raced to warn his mother of Warden Gentiles’ intentions. Michael found them having a romantic meal inside the prison. Lucille told Michael she was trying to seduce the warden, not the other way around.

Michael rushed home to tell G.O.B. and Lindsay what he had learned. Overhearing a conversation about something that wasn’t natural, George Michael perked up, asking if they were discussing a law that bans cousin love. He had read New Warden, and took it as a subtle signal from Maeby about their future, particularly after reading a part about what happens when two people share a bunk. Realizing that nobody else would help, Michael decided to approach Buster about interrupting Lucille’s plans.

But Buster didn’t care either. So Michael decided to tell George Sr. He wasn’t exactly devastated. Mainly because he knew about it already. Michael, putting the dinner and the model heads together, figured out George Sr. was planning a new escape attempt. Which he was, with Lucille calling him from the prison to tell him the code for removing his ankle bracelet. Then she told George Sr. that if he was now free, so was she. And she was spending the night with the warden.

An ambulance arrived to take Tobias and Lindsay to the charity dinner. George Michael also said he was going so he could support Maeby. Feeling rejected by his family, Michael decided to stay home and read. But the family had no books. So Michael found New Warden and sat down with it. And that’s when Michael learned Warden Gentles’ true intentions. He was merely using Lucille to get even with George Sr. Also, he had given her Chlamydia.

George Sr. needed to escape, but his papier mache heads would never fool the cameras. So he searched through Gob’s magic stuff to find something he could use. And he did. Oscar, lying unconscious in one of Gob’s cages, having been knocked out when Buster tried to stuff him in there to hide him. George Sr. then ordered Gob to get his magic stuff out of the penthouse, which allowed George Sr. to hide in the magic box and then escape.

Michael found G.O.B. at the model home and implored him to help him break into the prison to save Lucille. And Buster found Oscar, who once again had been shaved to look like George Sr. Oscar pleaded with Buster to set him free, which he did. But the police quickly arrested Oscar.

And the guys arrived at the prison to stage their break in. Gob donned George-Michael’s jet pack, but forgot to strap it on. As a backup plan, he had drawn the prison blueprints on his stomach. Upside down. To read them, Gob had to lie on the ground so Michael could straddle him in a very compromising position. A prison guard found them, but thought they were part of the gala and ordered them inside.

Inside, George Michael was inviting Maeby to pick a cell to share with him that evening. And in the warden’s office, guards led Oscar into Warden Gentles’ office. In the dining hall, Gob’s video began playing. An incredibly graphic video that featured Tobias spurting blood and picking off scabs. When the patrons learned that removing his hair plugs would cure Tobias, the crowd began to grow unruly. Very quickly, a riot broke out.

Michael caught up with his mother in a conjugal visit trailer and begged his mother not to go through with her plans. When she resisted at first, Michael told her about Gentles’ screenplay. Which she already knew about. In fact, she gave him the Chlamydia. George Sr. broke into the trailer and demanded that Lucille give their relationship one last shot. Then Warden Gentles came in and asked if George Sr. was in here, who was being deloused at the moment? George Sr. admitted that it was Oscar, and told the warden that if he freed Oscar and gave George Sr. and Lucille one hour alone, they could call everything even. The warden agreed.

[edit] Episode notes

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details about this and future episodes follow.
  • Although this episode's production code suggests it is the eighth episode of the season, it should in fact be the seventh one (which it was aired as), as the episode begins by mentioning that Michael had just broken up with Rita, which happened in the previous episode The Ocean Walker, and Tobias has his hair plugs removed in the next episode, Making a Stand.
  • The title of this episode is a reference to the Fox drama Prison Break. The title also refers to how Michael and G.O.B. try to break into the prison, with George Sr. successfully doing so at the end.
  • This is the only episode of Season 3 to have received a TV-PG rating when it aired, despite the jokes about marijuana and Chlamydia.
  • The fan reception to this episode was notably low, with many fans feeling put off by the state of Tobias in the episode. It is generally regarded as one of the lowest-ranked episodes among many Arrested Development fans.
  • In a recent interview, Jessica Walter said this was her favorite episode of the show.[1]

[edit] References

  • Prison Break - The title of this episode is a play on the title of the currently-running drama Prison Break on FOX, which became quite successful in Arrested Development's timeslot. There are several jokes about it in this episode.
    • George Michael says "I’m just burnt out on prisons lately," a jab at the success of Prison Break.
    • G.O.B. draws a map of the prison on his stomach, which is part of his break-in plan. The main character in Prison Break has a blueprint of the prison tattooed over his body, which is part of his escape plan.
    • G.O.B. suggests that breaking into prison is a lot easier than breaking into a Jamba Juice. In the Prison Break episode English, Fitz or Percy, the main character reminds everyone how hard it is to break out of prison by saying "We're not breaking out of a Jamba Juice."
    • Tobias calls himself "T-bag" in this episode, which is the name of a prisoner on Prison Break.
    • Riot - The riot in the episode is a reference to the Prison Break episode "Riots, Drills and the Devil".
  • Seinfeld - Upon reading “shrinkage,” George, Sr. believes someone saw Seinfeld the night before. In the episode “The Hamptons,” George worries that women don’t know about penile “shrinkage” occurring after coming out of a pool.
  • Superman - When Michael asks why Lindsay is making Tobias keep the hair, she responds by saying "Did you see the attention Superman’s wife got?", referring to Christopher Reeve, who played Superman, and later became a spokesman for the disabled after becoming quadriplegic.

[edit] Callbacks/Running Jokes

  • Bad cover-up - Lindsay says "She just called to ask me to bring her a tube of vag... is... table paste. Hi, George Michael," trying to cover up what she was really saying when George Michael walks in the room. This directly mirrors Tobias' "Oh! So now you're mocking me, you Selfish Cun...try... music loving lady. Hello, Maeby" line from Beef Consommé.
  • Big Yellow Joint - The song from Pier Pressure is heard repeatedly in this episode. This song is occasionally heard in the background throughout the series, usually used during scenes involving drug use (which is no exception for this episode).
  • Cage - The cage in Buster's room was for the trick that G.O.B. did in For British Eyes Only. Lucille told G.O.B. to put the cage in Buster's room in that episode.
  • Forget-Me-Now - During the flashback to Visiting Ours, some extra footage is added on at the end where G.O.B. tries to get knocked out so he doesn't have to see his parents having sex. He says to the old warden, "I’ve got a thing of pills in my pocket. I don’t suppose I could convince you to grab me one?" referring to the roofies (or "Forget-Me-Nows," as he calls them) he carries around with him in his pocket.
  • G.O.B. Witnesses - G.O.B. refers back to Visiting Ours when he saw his parents having sex when he was detained against their conjugal trailer. At the end of this episode, the very same thing happens again.
    • The conversation that Michael and G.O.B. have about G.O.B.'s sense of propriety when it comes to his parents having sex is very similar to a conversation they had in Visiting Ours, as Michael points out during the scene.
  • "Her?" - Michael says "Her?" when Lindsay tells him that Warden Gentiles might be interested in Lucille. Later, the Narrator says "Her" when Michael realises that Lucille is trying to seduce the warden.
    • When George Sr. hears that Lucille plans on spending the night with the Warden, he says "Him?"
  • Hey - Buster greets Oscar with “Hey, Uncle/Father." He later greets who he thinks is George Sr. with "Hey, Father/Uncle Dad.”
  • Jetpack - The jetpack from Mr. F makes its second appearance in this episode.
  • Stair Car - The guard says that stair car parking is not permitted at the prison, referring to Visiting Ours when an inmate escapes by running on the stair car stairs. An inmate once again tries to escape by running up the stair car, though doesn't make it this time.
  • Star Wars Kid - George Michael's Star Wars re-enactment video from The Immaculate Election is seen again in this episode.
  • Switch - This is the second time George Sr. shaves Oscar's head and switches places with him in order to escape. This first happened in Righteous Brothers.
  • "That was a freebie" - George Sr. says "That was a freebie" when he discovers Oscar knocked out in the cage. Later, G.O.B. says the same thing when him and Michael get let into the prison by the guard. "That was a freebie" was first said by Lucille in The Cabin Show.
  • The Man Inside Me - The only books in the Bluth house are copies of Tobias’s book "The Man Inside Me", first seen in Let 'Em Eat Cake, labelled with the sticker “Free with purchase of any other book (or magazine).” Of course, the title of the book is another homosexual joke.
    • Michael refers to this book after reading "New Warden" screenplay and discovering warden's true intentions with Lucille, he says "I wish I'd read The Man Inside Me."
  • Tobias is Gay - Numerous jokes are made in this episode about Tobias' questionable sexuality.
    • Tobias wonders why Warden Gentiles is interested in Lucille, saying "The guy runs a prison, he can have any piece of ass he wants."
    • Tobias refers to the gala as the "gay-la."
    • Tobias tells George Michael not to "leave your Uncle T-Bag hanging."
  • Turtle - Buster has a pet turtle in this episode, which he names Mother, part of the running gag about Buster's disturbing relationship with his mother. Buster first mentioned he wanted a pet turtle in For British Eyes Only.
    • In Afternoon Delight, a symbol used for the drug was a picture of a turtle who had just taken some Afternoon Deelite, with a snail riding on it saying "Wheee!" This picture can be seen on the box that Buster puts it in, and eventually plays out in the show when Buster's turtle consumes the marijuana that Oscar left behind.

[edit] Hidden/Background Jokes

  • Franklin - While rifling through G.O.B.’s “magic stuff,” George, Sr. briefly holds up Franklin.
  • Candyball machine - Gob makes the candy ball machine disappear. A few seconds later, it can be seen in the background lying on the floor in the office.
  • Hand - When Buster picks up the turtle, its left hand falls off (the same hand that Buster lost in Out on a Limb).
  • Happy Days - When G.O.B. mentions "Happy Days star Donny Host," the Narrator (Ron Howard, a cast member from the show) corrects him with "It's Most."
  • Jetpack - A prisoner can be seen escaping on a jet-pack in the background of the last shot (where G.O.B. is detained against the trailer).
  • Marijuana - The Narrator refers to Oscar being “knocked out by a powerful lid.” “Lid” is slang for a smoke's-worth of cannabis, also known as a 'bowl', as in 'smoke a bowl'
    • Buster puts his turtle Mother in Oscar’s box of Afternoon Deelite (label seen in Afternoon Delight).
    • Oscar says he couldn’t leave a little “bud” (marijuana) behind.
    • Oscar wants to cremate Buster's turtle, as it has consumed his marijuana.
  • Prison like school - George Micheal, who used to be afraid of prisons, remarks that the new prison "isn't that bad. It's a lot like school, except it's air conditioned". In fact, the room which they walk by is labeled "Classroom".
  • P2252 - The code that unlocks George, Sr.’s ankle bracelet is the same as the “code” seen on a Mexican wall in Good Grief.
  • Ready, Aim, Marry Me! - A poster for Uncle Jack’s film can be seen in Warden Gentiles’s office.
  • Seeing the inside - In his video, GOB remarks about Tobias, "we couldn't see what was really inside, but lately thats all we've been able to see". Tobias is reading his book "The Man Inside Me", introduced in Let 'Em Eat Cake.
  • Startled Straight - Maeby says that Warden Gentiles spoke at her school for a Startled Straight assembly. Startled Straight is a reference to the Scared Straight program, first mentioned in the show in Notapusy.
  • Woodblock - George Michael is holding a woodblock, first seen in Best Man for the G.O.B., when he wanted to join Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution.
  • When G.O.B. is moving the cage out onto the street, he gets distracted by a group of young girls, allowing George Sr. to escape unnoticed. G.O.B.'s attraction to younger girls has come up several times on the show, most notably in Shock and Aww, Notapusy and Development Arrested.

[edit] Character Cameos

Warden Gentiles having dinner with Lucille
Warden Gentiles having dinner with Lucille
  • James Lipton stars again as Warden "Stephan Gentiles," who hasn't been in the show since the Season 1 episode Altar Egos. This is his third appearance in the show.
  • Oscar makes his second appearance in Season 3, with only a total of three appearances throughout the season. This is the only episode in the season where he has hair.

[edit] Foreshadowing/Future References

  • Ovarian Cancer - During the flashback scene when the Bluths are deciding what disease to do a fundraiser for, George Sr. comments "Gee, I wonder who that was" and looks at Michael upon reading the suggestion Ovarian Cancer, implying that this is what Tracy died of (or at least had). However, this has yet to be confirmed or dismissed by anyone in the show. This seemingly contradicts what Michael said in For British Eyes Only, when Lindsay says, "You haven't had a serious relationship since your wife, and you guys weren't even speaking toward the end" and he replies with, "A lot of that was the coma."

[edit] Goofs

  • When George Michael discovers Tobias in his cell, Tobias points to the cell on the left and says "Oh, she’s in the next cell." However, the shot before of George Michael walking in shows two random extras in the cell on the left (It IS possible Tobias is talking about the cell on the right, though he did indicate to the left when he said that line, or that he doesn't actually know where Maeby really is).
  • In the beginning of the episode, when Michael drops his guitar and knocks over his music stand. In the next shot of Michael, the stand is again standing.

[edit] References

  1. ^ The whole Bluth. Retrieved on April 1, 2007.

[edit] Sources