Princess Tsuguko of Takamado

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Princess Tsuguko of Takamado
Born March 8, 1986 (age 21)
Title Princess of Japan
Parents Prince Takamado and Princess Takamado
Imperial Coat of Arms
Imperial House of Japan
HIM The Emperor
HIM The Empress
   HIH The Crown Prince
   HIH The Crown Princess
      HIH Princess Toshi
   HIH Prince Akishino
   HIH Princess Akishino
      HIH Princess Mako
      HIH Princess Kako
      HIH Prince Hisahito
HIH Prince Hitachi
HIH Princess Hitachi
HIH Prince Mikasa
HIH Princess Mikasa
   HIH Prince Tomohito of Mikasa
   HIH Princess Tomohito of Mikasa
      HIH Princess Akiko
      HIH Princess Yōko
   HIH Prince Katsura
   HIH Princess Takamado
      HIH Princess Tsuguko
      HIH Princess Noriko
      HIH Princess Ayako

Princess Tsuguko of Takamado (承子女王殿下), born 8 March 1986, is the daughter of the late His Imperial Highness Prince Takamado and Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado. Princess Tsuguko has graduated from high school and is now a student at Edinburgh University in the United Kingdom, studying sociology.

Recently on 2006 she represented the Imperial family at the Silver Wedding anniversary celebrations of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess María Teresa of Luxembourg.

[edit] Controversies

[edit] Explicit sexual talks

On 1 February 2007, the Japanese tabloid magazine "Shukan Bunshun" reported Princess Tsuguko had created a profile for herself in a Japanese SNS site adopting the alias and talked on her own sexual interests explicitly.[1]

In contrast to public images of Japanese imperial house members, whose private life is covered by a veil of Chrysanthemum taboo, her site with childish writing had been found so "obscene" to the media even without any sexual pictures.

This article is too sensitive to Japanese people that most of all mediae in Japan has deliberately ignored it and Imperial Household Agency has not published any official statements, but some Chinese newspapers[2] reported this incident.

Although the result of comprehensive polls can not be found in Japan, some punitive notes sound in one of the few following response.[3]

[edit] References

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Styles of
Princess Tsuguko of Japan
Imperial Coat of Arms
Reference style Her Imperial Highness
Spoken style Your Imperial Highness
Alternative style Ma'am
In other languages