Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrix of France

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Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrix of France
Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrix of France

Sophie Hélène Béatrix of France (July 9, 1786 - June 19, 1787) was the youngest daughter of Louis XVI of France and his Queen, Marie Antoinette of Austria. The girl was named for one of her father's sisters, who had died a few years before the baby's birth.

Her death was a cause for much sorrow on the part of both of her parents. When Marie Antoinette's foster brother attempted to console her with the fact that given Sophie's tender age, Marie Antoinette must not have grown overly attached to her, the bereaved mother said only, "Don't forget that she would have been my friend," a reference to her words after the birth of Sophie's older sister, Marie-Thérèse, in 1778.