Prince Rhun

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Prince Rhun is a fictional character in Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain series. He is featured prominently in the latter half of the five-book series.

[edit] Profile

Prince Rhun is the only son of King Rhuddlum and Queen Teleria, who rule over the Isle of Mona. By birthright, he is the heir apparent to the throne. He is first introduced in The Castle of Llyr when the Princess Eilonwy is sent by the enchanter Dallben to live at the castle and gain a "proper" upbringing. He is described as having a round, pleasant face like his father and straw-colored hair like his mother.

Although well-meaning, Rhun is portrayed as a somewhat less intelligent character who has the knack of turning even the simplest situation into a problem, often to the chagrin of his companions. Taran himself initially feels nothing but disdain and contempt for Rhun, relenting only when Rhun himself expresses his own frustration at realizing just how clumsy and useless he is, after which Taran begins to feel sorry for him. Often adding a comical element to the novels, the prince also becomes an integral part of the movement of the several quests and an essential part to the resolution of the series. Though frequently inept, the prince is nevertheless relentlessly cheerful, friendly, well-meaning, and has a good heart.

[edit] Appearances

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In The Castle of Llyr, Prince Rhun sets out on a journey with Taran the Assistant Pig-Keeper, Fflewddur Fflam the Bard, and the creature Gurgi on a quest to protect the Princess Eilonwy from an unknown danger.

A significant facet of the story is Rhun's intended betrothal to Eilonwy, to be arranged by his parents. Neither Rhun nor Eilonwy are to be made aware of this plan, though Rhun later admits to Taran that he found out some time earlier. When King Rhuddlum asks Taran to watch over Rhun during the quest, the Assistant Pig-Keeper is torn between feelings of loyalty to his oath and feelings of jealousy towards the prince, since he is secretly in love with the princess himself. During their search for the princess, however, Rhun proves to be as courageous and self-sacrificing as the rest of the company. While he never sheds his clumsiness, he shows that he has the making of a hero and a good future king.

In The High King (Winner of the Newberry Medal), Rhun is now the King of Mona, as his father has died in the unspecified length of time which has passed since the end of The Castle of Llyr. He plays an important part in the rescue of Gwydion and his other companions from the grasp of Arawn's henchmen. However, he heroically loses his life doing so.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] See Also