Prince Kael'thas

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Kael'thas Sunstrider
Gender Male
Race Blood Elves
Character class Blood Mage
Affiliation Illidan, Naga
Occupation Blood Elf Prince

Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider is a Blood Elf of royal origins in the fantasy Warcraft Universe.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Being the last of the Sunstrider dynasty, he carried the lineage of the High Elves who were banished from the realm of their kin the Night Elves 9,000 years before Warcraft. He and Arthas were rivals for the heart of Jaina Proudmoore, a young sorceress and daughter of Admiral Proudmoore of the Alliance. He is the leader of the Blood Elves, a faction of High Elves who, out of desperation to sate their addiction for magic, now draw their powers from demonic sources after the Sunwell, long the source of elven magic, was defiled, along with the rest of Quel'Thalas, following the invasion of the Undead Scourge.

He was first introduced four months after the fall of the Second Invasion of the Burning Legion, and was leading a small group of resistance in the heart of the Scourge Plaguelands. There he met Maiev Shadowsong and Tyrande Whisperwind of the Night Elves, who were chasing after the Demon Hunter Illidan Stormrage. Kael assisted the Night Elves in thwarting Illidan's attempt to destroy Icecrown Glacier, the citadel of the Lich King Ner'zhul, with a spell that threatened the stability of Azeroth itself.

After the Night Elves departed, Kael was summoned to the ruined city of Dalaran, where the racist Human regional commander, Garithos, was leading some of the last survivors of Lordaeron. Kael and his people had long been mistreated and underused by the bigoted Garithos who saw the Blood Elves as expendable and intended to use them as meat shields against the bulk of the Undead forces in the region. Garithos's plan was a two way effort for his goal the destruction of not only the Undead Scourge but the destruction of the Blood Elves as well.

However, a group of Naga under the leadership of the sea witch Lady Vashj approached Kael in Garithos' absence and offered to help the Blood Elves in completing their mission. This action only angered Garithos when he arrived to reinforce the elves and discovered the Naga in their presence, and therefore Kael and the Blood Elves were imprisoned in Dalaran's dungeons for treason.

The night before his execution, Lady Vashj infiltrated Kael's prison, killed his guards, and released him. As they worked to free the rest of Kael's people, Vashj revealed to him that the Naga and Blood Elves, being descended from the Night Elf Highborne, shared a racial addiction to magic which her master, Illidan Stormrage, was more than happy to satisfy.

Kael then joined Illidan in Outland, the remnants of the Orcish homeworld of Draenor that was now ruled by a barbarous pit lord named Magtheridon, who reigned over many demons and the surviving Orcs of the world. Illidan intended to claim Outland as his own world, but before attempting to assault Magtheridon's citadel he needed to disable the numerous Dimensional Gates which the Pit lord relied upon for reinforcements. Kael and Vashj later aided Illidan's assault on Magtheridon's stronghold, and was able to defeat the Pit Lord with help from Draenei guerrillas under the command of the Elder Seer Akama. Before they could celebrate their victory, Kil'jaeden, an Eredar lord of the Burning Legion and Illidan's new master, appeared before Illidan and gave him one last chance to return to Azeroth and destroy Ner'zhul. Kael and Vashj both offered their services as Illidan prepared to assault Icecrown directly.

Kael followed Illidan all the way to Northrend to destroy the Frozen Throne, but Illidan was defeated in single combat by Arthas and they fled back into Outland to regroup.


[edit] World of Warcraft

Prince Kael'thas as he will appear in the expansion to World of Warcraft
Prince Kael'thas as he will appear in the expansion to World of Warcraft

Also in the draenei quest "Show Gnomercy", after defeating Engineer "Spark" Overgrind, you find a letter on his person commanding the gnome to attempt to retake the Exodar, referred to as the writers Exodar, by any means necessary from the draenei, the letter is signed by King Sunstrider and because Kael is the only Sunstrider left it is almost certain that he is the one who sent the message.

[edit] Biography

Before the Third War, Kael'Thas was a powerful mage and a prominent member of both the Kirin Tor and the Convocation of Silvermoon. Compassionate and caring, he spent most of his time in Dalaran and was likely there when Arthas began his invasion of Quel'thalas. Having been unable to protect his homeland, Kael evacuated as many survivors as he could and burned much of the enchanted forests to spite the Scourge. As a royal, he rallied and assumed command over the surviving High Elves of Quel'thalas — but not the High Elves who were abroad in Dalaran, Stormwind, Kalimdor or elsewhere, however since he was in Dalaran it can be assumed that elves from Dalaran followed him to Quel'thalas and joined the Blood Elven race — and renamed the followers he had rallied the Blood Elves, in homage to their murdered brethren. All he feels now is hatred for the undead that ravaged his homeland, rage for the Alliance that he feels failed his people, desperation over his people's collective addiction to magic, and grief for his ravaged kingdom.

As the last known surviving member of the Sunstrider dynasty, Kael has a right to the crown of the High Elves but has yet to take it. Instead, Kael styles himself as the "Blood Mage Lord of the Blood Elves." He is proficient in siphoning magical energies from demons to feed his addiction to magic and has taught his brethren to do the same. He was somehow able to salvage the skull of his father, Anasterian, from the ruins of Quel'thalas and enshrines it in Tempest Keep, his citadel in Outland. The skull is, ironically, one of the artifacts that the Red and Green Dragons would need to restore the Sunwell.

In battle, Kael naturally relies foremost on his magic. However, he is also a skilled swordsman and wields the Flamestrike, the ancient runeblade of the Sunstrider House that was first wielded by his ancestor, Dath'Remar.

[edit] Quotes

  • "Nothing of my homeland remains but ash and sorrow..."
  • "The ghosts of Quel'thalas cry out for vengeance!"
  • "If you don't master your anger, your anger will master you... I should know..."
  • "Burning... to Avenge!"
  • "Insolent son of a...lets get this over with..." (Speaking about Lord Garithos)
  • "Our forces are vast, Arthas. Even now they march upon the Icecrown Glacier. You'll never make it in time to save your precious Lich King."
  • "Am I to assault the undead with nothing but sticks and harsh language?"(responding to Lord Garithos' order to remove a large part of his forces)

(Source: WarCraft RPG's Manual of Monsters)

[edit] External links

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