Primitive element theorem

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In mathematics, more specifically in field theory, the primitive element theorem provides a characterization of the finite field extensions which are simple and thus can be generated by the adjunction of a single primitive element.

[edit] Primitive element theorem

A field extension L/K is finite and has a primitive element if and only if there are only finitely many intermediate fields F with KFL.

In this form, the theorem is somewhat unwieldy and rarely used. An important corollary states

Every finite separable extension L/K has a primitive element.

In more concrete language, every finite separable extension L/K of finite degree n is generated by a single element x satisfying a polynomial equation of degree n, xn +c1xn-1+..+cn=0, with coefficients in K. The primitive element x provides a basis [1,x,x2,...,xn-1] for L over K.

This corollary applies to algebraic number fields, which are finite extensions of the rational numbers Q, since Q has characteristic 0 and therefore every extension over Q is separable.

For non-separable extensions, one can at least state the following:

If the degree [L:K] is a prime number, then L/K has a primitive element.

If the degree is not a prime number and the extension is not separable, one can give counterexamples. For example if K is Fp(T,U), the field of rational functions in two indeterminates T and U over the finite field with p elements, and L is obtained from K by adjoining a p-th root of T, and of U, then there is no primitive element for L over K. In fact one can see that for any α in L, the element αp lies in K. Therefore we have [L:K] = p2 but there is no element of L with degree p2 over K, as a primitive element must have.

[edit] Example

It is not, for example, immediately obvious that if one adjoins to the field Q of rational numbers roots of both polynomials

X2 − 2


X2 − 3,

say α and β respectively, to get a field K = Q(α, β) of degree 4 over Q, that the extension is simple and there exists a primitive element γ in K so that K = Q(γ). One can in fact check that with

γ = α + β

the powers γi for 0 ≤ i ≤ 3 can be written out as linear combinations of 1, α, β and αβ with integer coefficients. Taking these as a system of linear equations, or by factoring, one can solve for α and β over Q(γ), which implies that this choice of γ is indeed a primitive element in this example.

[edit] See also