Prime Minister of Brazil

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The Duke of Caxias, was the foremost and most remembered Prime Minister of Brazil, having served three terms.
The Duke of Caxias, was the foremost and most remembered Prime Minister of Brazil, having served three terms.

During two periods in the political history of Brazil was a parliamentary system of Government put in place, with a prime minister heading the Cabinet.

The first parliamentary system was created by Emperor Pedro II and was maintained for the last forty two years of the imperial period.

The second occasion in which a parliamentary system was put in place was during the administration of President João Goulart in 1961, due to a constitutional amendment passed by his opponents before his inauguration. The experience of parliamentary government was very brief, as the system of presidential government was restored in a referendum in 1963.

[edit] Prime Ministers of the Brazilian Empire (1847-1889)

The political position of Prime Minister of Brazil existed during the era of the Brazilian Empire, first being created in 1847, during the reign of Dom Pedro II.

Officially, the title of the Prime Minister was President of the Council of Ministers and he was referred to by the press and the people as President of the Cabinet.

The written Constitution of the Brazilian Empire did not require the Emperor to appoint a prime minister; nor did it provide for a parliamentary system of government, instead vesting the Executive authority in the Emperor himself, and stipulating that the Emperor was to be aided by ministers that he was free to appoint and dismiss. However, Emperor Pedro II decided to appoint a president of the Council among his ministers, to lead the workings of the Government. He also chose to create a sort of parliamentary government, whereby the prime minister would be someone who could command a majority in the Chamber of Deputies, the lower House of the Brazilian Imperial Parliament, known as General Assembly. Therefore, even without being required by the Constitution, the Emperor started to exercise his authority in a manner compatible with parliamentary government, only appointing as prime minister someone who could retain parliamentary support, etc.

However, the emperor didn´t become a figurehead monarch like other heads of State in a parliamentary system. The prime minister needed to retain the political confidence both of a majority of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Emperor, who actively scrutinized the workings of the Government. Sometimes the Emperor would dissolve the Chamber of Deputies and summon new elections (a power he possessed under the Constitution), or dismiss the prime minister, due to his own political beliefs about the efficiency of the Government. Thus, the Emperor would often dismiss a prime minister, and then appoint someone else from the same party. All this led to a succession of shortlived Cabinets. The emperor retained decisionmaking powers with regard to the signature or veto of bills passed by Parliament, and would not always abide by the advice of his ministers. And that was seen as normal given that the monarch wasn´t required by the Constitution to reign in a parliamentary system, and the establishment of one was only a limited and voluntary decision of Pedro II.

Therefore, the parliamentary system voluntarily established by Emperor Pedro II wasn´t identical to the standard of a parliamentary government with a Head of State that reigns but does not govern, given that the Emperor retained part of the control over the daily affairs of his government.

Therefore, the parliamentary sistem that was put in place in the reign of Pedro II can be termed a semi-imperial Government, and can be compared to the political system of some republics, such as France, that are governed under a semi-presidential system, in which the Head of State has more than just the customary reserve powers, but there is also a prime minister who needs to maintain the confidence of Parliament in order to retain his office.

This co-existence of a Head of State with real powers and influence with a prime minister responsible before Parliament was dubbed by many Brazilian political scientists as parlamentarismo às avessas (flopped parliamentarism), a criticism corresponding to their view that, in the parliamentary system created by Emperor Pedro II, the Chamber of Deputies was the weaker party, constantly being dissolved, and the survival of the Cabinet depended more on the confidence of the Emperor than in that of Parliament.

The position of prime minister was abolished with the deposition of the monarchy in 1889. The republican system that followed was modeled after the American system , and did not adopt a parliamentary government.

The following is a list of prime ministers of the Brazilian Emprie:

Name Investiture Party
Manuel Alves Branco 22 August 1847 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Visconde de Macaé 8 March 1848 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Francisco de Paula Sousa e Melo 31 March 1848 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Visconde, later Marquês de Olinda 29 September 1848 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Marquês de Monte Alegre 8 October 1849 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Visconde de Itaboraí 11 May 1852 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Marquês de Paraná 6 September 1853 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Duque de Caxias (then Marquis) 3 September 1856 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Marquês de Olinda 4 May 1857 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Visconde de Abaeté 12 December 1858 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Barão de Uruguaiana 10 August 1859 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Duque de Caxias (then Marquis) 2 March 1861 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Zacarias de Góis e Vasconcelos 24 May 1862 Liga Progressista
Marquês de Olinda 30 May 1862 Liga Progressista
Zacarias de Góis e Vasconcelos 15 January 1864 Liga Progressista
Francisco José Furtado 31 August 1864 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Marquês de Olinda 12 May 1865 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Zacarias de Góis e Vasconcelos 3 August 1866 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Visconde de Itaboraí 16 July 1868 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Viscount, later Marquês de São Vicente 29 September 1870 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
José Maria da Silva Paranhos, Visconde do Rio Branco 7 March 1871 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Duque de Caxias 25 June 1875 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Visconde de Sinimbu 5 January 1878 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
José Antonio Saraiva 28 March 1880 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Martinho Alvares da Silva Campos 21 January 1882 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Viscount, later Marquês de Paranaguá 3 July 1882 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Lafayette Rodrigues Pereira 24 May 1883 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Manuel Pinto de Souza Dantas 6 June 1884 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
José Antonio Saraiva 6 May 1885 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Barão de Cotegipe 20 August 1885 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
João Alfredo Correia de Oliveira 10 March 1888 Conservative Party of the Brazilian Empire.
Visconde de Ouro Preto 7 June 1889 Liberal Party of the Brazilian Empire.
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