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Primacron is a fictional character from the original Transformers cartoon series.

Near the beginning of the universe, the being known as Primacron existed. Possessed of tremendous intelligence and an indefinite lifespan, but diminutive physical form, Primacron chose to be a creator, developing primitive mechanoids, one of which became his assistant as he continued his work. His creations continually grew greater... larger... smarter... until finally, he created the world-eater, Unicron. The megalomaniacal Primacron planned to use Unicron as an instrument of his will, sending him to consume world after world, to wipe out all life in the universe, leaving it a blank slate for Primacron to do with as he wished. But Primacron's creation was too intelligent - Unicron decided that he would be his own master, and turned on Primacron, gravely injuring the tiny being before voyaging out into the universe to fulfill his destiny.

Aeons passed, and Primacron recovered from his wounds, turning his attention to creation once again, still seeking to fulfill his original goal. Unicron's rebellion, he reckoned, lay in the fact that he was a being of matter, and so Primacron fashioned a being of pure, living energy that he dubbed Tornedron. In the Earth year 2006, Primacron unleashed Tornedron on an unsuspecting galaxy, and Earth, Cybertron, and most of the Transformer race fell victim to his energy-draining abilities with sudden, terrifying ease.

However, one last hope existed in the form of a group of Transformers gathered together by Primacron's old assistant. His body destroyed in Unicron's attack, the assistant's essence had fled to a dead world at the centre of the galaxy. Realizing the madness of Primacron's ambition, the assistant - called "Oracle" in the episode's script, though not given any name in the episode itself - summoned a group of animal-themed Transformers to his world, hoping that their primitive instincts would prove an effective counter-force to Primacron's intelligence. Alas, moving under Primacron's direct control, Tornedron defeated and drained all of them, save for Grimlock, who was left for dead when Trypticon collapsed on him. Grimlock survived the ordeal, however, and proceeded to track Tornedron back to Primacron's world, where he confronted the scientist and was particularly amused by his stature. Tornedron, however, interrupted Grimlock's merriment by making it apparent that he too had attained independent thought, and as he bore down on Primacron's world, intending to consume it, Primacron attempted to calculate the proper course of action to defeat his creation. When the complex plans failed, the simple-minded Grimlock randomly flipped a switch on the control panel, reversing Tornedron's energy polarity and dissipating him. Although Primacron was suitably impressed by Grimlock's direct actions, his relief soon turned to dismay when Grimlock's joyful victory celebrations decimated his laboratory.

In Primacron's singular appearance in the episode, Call of the Primitives, he was voiced by Hal Rayle.