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[edit] Duncan, Mrs. Isabella (1860) — Pre-Adamite Man;

I saw a copy of this very rare book during a brief visit in September 2001 to the tiny Savings Bank Museum at Ruthwell in Dumfriesshire. DFH 19:20, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

For those who believe what they read in the Bible, their are several mentions on the Pre-Adamite world. Finnis Dake also has a large number of notes on the Pre-Adamite world as well. In the Bible there are references to the Pre-Adamite world such as: 2Peter 3:3-7; 2 Peter 2:4,5; Genesis 1:1; Jeremiah 4:23; Matthew 13:34,35; Psalms 104:1-5; Isaiah 45:18; Colossians 1:15-19; and Ecclesiastes 3:10,11.

[edit] This article is in error about Augustine

This article is in error about Augustine's opinions as expressed in the City of God and is confusing the issue of the age of the earth with the issue of whether humans existed before Adam in Christian theology.

In Chapter 10 of Book XII of the City of God Augustine states, "They are deceived, too, by those highly mendacious documents which profess to give the history of many thousand years, though, reckoning by the sacred writings, we find that not 6000 years have yet passed." Augustine is not referring to the age of the earth, however, but to the extent of time in which man has existed on earth. "For some hold the same opinion regarding men that they hold regarding the world itself, that they have always been. Thus Apuleius says when he is describing our race, 'Individually they are mortal, but collectively, and as a race, they are immortal.'" Augustine is confronting the popular Greek opinion that human beings exist coeternally with an eternal earth, and human society waxes and wanes in eternal cycles. He is not confronting the modern idea that man existed millions of years on earth.

As to the age of earth before man existed Augustine is completely non-commital. "I own that I do not know what ages passed before the human race was created, yet I have no doubt that no created thing is co-eternal with the Creator." Book XII Chapter 16 City of God

Augustine has no problem with the idea of man coming into existence millions of years ago: "Consequently, if there had elapsed since the creation of man, I do not say five or six, but even sixty or six hundred thousand years, or sixty times as many, or six hundred or six hundred thousand times as many, or this sum multiplied until it could no longer be expressed in numbers, the same question could still be put, Why was he not made before?" Book XII Chapter 12

His only disagreement, as stated before, is with the idea that humanity has existed eternally on earth.

[edit] Mormonism & Pre-Adamites

I removed the section which stated that the notion that the Mark of Cain consisted of black skin originated in Europe "and was popularised in 19th century America by the founder of Mormonism Joseph Smith, Jr." If Joseph Smith in fact preached this doctrine then he likely had a minor effect in popularizing it, as the Mormons were only a minor fringe group at the time. Unless someone can come up with a good citation for this statement I believe it is not NPOV.

The LDS church doesn't believe that doctrine today and teaches that no human on earth today is descended from Pre-Adamites.--JBPostma 21:31, 3 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Pre-Adamism a ridiculous term

There should be an alternate term used instead of Pre-Adamism, such as pre-Abrahamic humans, or something. The term is misleading and is ironic because, in Hebrew and Arabic: "Adam" or "Adham" simply means "human". Therefore, from this "mis-" logic, pre-Adamic humans would be humans before humans! But of course, ignorant Christians who do not know a Semitic language, or even have any connection to the Middle East would not know this. Le Anh-Huy 06:49, 23 July 2006 (UTC)