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The premaxilla is a pair of small cranial bones at the very tip of the jaws of many animals, usually bearing teeth, but not always. They are connected to the maxilla and the nasals.
Bones of head and neck: the face |
maxilla: Body of maxilla - Maxillary sinus
surfaces of body Anterior (Incisive fossa, Canine fossa, Infraorbital foramen, Anterior nasal spine) - Infratemporal (Alveolar canals, Maxillary tuberosity) - Orbital (Infraorbital groove, Infraorbital canal) - Nasal (Pterygopalatine canal)
processes Zygomatic process - Frontal process (Agger nasi, Anterior lacrimal crest) - Alveolar process - Palatine process (Incisive foramen, Incisive canals, Foramina of Scarpa, Premaxilla, Anterior nasal spine)
lacrimal bone: Posterior lacrimal crest - Lacrimal groove
zygomatic bone: Orbital process, Zygomaticofacial foramen - Zygomaticotemporal foramen - Zygomaticoörbital foramina
palatine bone: Pterygopalatine fossa - Pterygoid fossa - Horizontal plate (Posterior nasal spine) - Perpendicular plate (Pterygopalatine canal, Sphenopalatine foramen, Pyramidal process)
processes (Orbital - Sphenoidal)
mandible: body (Symphysis menti, Mental protuberance, Mental foramen, Mylohyoid line) - Ramus (Mandibular foramen, Mylohyoid groove, Mandibular canal, Angle, Coronoid process, Condyloid process, Mandibular notch)
others: nasal bone - inferior nasal conchae (maxillary process) - vomer