Pre-WC1 Confederation fighters

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In the Wing Commander universe, little is known about spacecraft from before Wing Commander 1.

  • Corsair fighter - The planned successor to the Wildcat.
  • Wildcat fighter - The premiere dogfighter at the outset of the war. Planned upgrades and a replacement were delayed due to political posturing.
  • Falcon fighter-bomber
  • Gladiator bomber
  • Gotha interceptor - Surface-to-space craft, similar to the Kilrathi Ekapshi-class.
  • Hummer light recon fighter
  • Hurricane fighter - Second tier fighter, older than the Wildcat but considered more durable by its pilots.
  • Minotaur fighter
  • Trident heavy bomber

Many of these aircraft are named for 20th century fighter aircraft, most notably: the F4U Corsair, F4F Wildcat, F-16 Fighting Falcon and Hawker Hurricane.