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Planning Policy Guidance 2: Green belts commonly abbreviated as PPG 2, is a document produced by the British Government to advise Local planning authorities on national Green Belt policy and its consideration in the formation of Local Plans. The current version was introduced in March 2001 (original) and replaced Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) Note 2 Green belts published in January 1995.

[edit] The March 2001 Version

  1. States the general intentions of Green Belt policy, including its contribution to sustainable development objectives
  2. Reaffirms the specific purposes of including land in Green Belts, with slight modifications, gives policy a more positive thrust by specifying for the first time objectives for the use of land in Green Belts
  3. Confirms that Green Belts must be protected as far as can be seen ahead, advises on defining boundaries and on safeguarding land for longer-term development needs
  4. Maintains the presumption against inappropriate development within Green Belts and refines the categories of appropriate development, including making provision for the future of major existing developed sites and revising policy on the re-use of buildings.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links