Poynings' Law

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Poynings' Law refers to Sir Edward Poynings' declaration to the Irish Parliament at Drogheda in 1494. In his position as Viceroy to Ireland and Lord-Deputy, as appointed by King Henry VII of England, Poynings called together an assembly of the parliament. Coming in the aftermath of the divisive War of the Roses, Poynings' intention was to make Ireland once again obedient to the English monarchy.

Assembling the parliament on December 1, 1494, he declared that the Irish Parliament was thereafter to be placed under the authority of the English Parliament.

This marked the beginning of direct Tudor rule in Ireland, although Henry VII was still forced to rely on Old Irish nobles such as the Earls of Kildare (despite his support for Lambert Simnel — see 24 May 1487) as his deputies in Ireland through the intervening years.

Poynings' Law was a major rallying point for groups seeking self government for Ireland, particularly the Confederate Catholics in the 1640s. It was also a major grievance for Grattan's Patriot Party in the late eighteenth century, who consistently sought a repeal of Poynings' Law. However, the Act remained in place until the so-called Constitution of 1782 gave the Irish parliament legislative independence.

[edit] Function and operation

The working of Poynings’ Law took place in several steps. The first step was for the lieutenant governor and the Irish council (or Irish executive) to decide that a parliament was needed, usually for the purpose of raising funds. At this point the council and lieutenant would write drafts of legislation to be proposed to the king and his council. After this had been completed, the lieutenant and council, according to the act, were required to certify the request for parliament “under the great seal of that land [Ireland],” ("Poynings' Law" 1494, 83) and then forward it to England for approval. Once the request arrived in England, it was reviewed by the King and his council, and a formal licence, approving the request for parliament and the draft bills were returned to Ireland (Quinn 1941, 245). Once the licence was received in Ireland, the governor would summon parliament, and the bills passed. It is important to note that “government was not in the modern sense representative, and there was no sustained opposition. Parliament’s consent was necessary for some purposes, and it frequently offered advice, but the decisions were made by the English and Irish councils” (Ellis 1985, 78). This is an important fact to consider when examining exactly who the law was aimed to suppress. As the point above demonstrates, parliament was virtually a rubber stamp, and it was the Irish executive who made the actual decisions in proposing policy.

The two important aspects of the procedure presented by Poynings’ Law are transmission and certification. Both of these requirements placed limits on various parties within the law making process in Ireland. The combination of these processes created a situation where bills could be sent, along with the request for parliament, and the king could amend and remove such bills as he wished, however he could not add new bills himself. This is a result of the certification process which requires the submission to be made by the Irish council “under the great seal of that land [Ireland]” ("Poynings' Law" 1494, 83). The original intention of the certification process was to remove the capacity of initiating legislation from the parliament, and place it with the Irish council and governor (Bradshaw 1979, 150). But as a result of the way it was framed in the act, it also removed that capacity from the English parliament and administration as well because legislation could only be submitted for approval by the Irish executive.

Furthermore, the two processes made it impossible for the Irish to add more bills or amendments to a request, after the initial licence request had been granted (Quinn 1941, 246). This meant that any additional bills or amendments that they wished to pass in parliament would have to be re-sent along with an entirely new request for parliament. Clearly this created severe inefficiencies in the legislative process, and thus gave the executive in Ireland as well as the crown an interest in relaxing procedure. As early as 1496 “the rigid procedure laid down by Poynings’ Law was not being adhered to” (Quinn 1941, 250) and that additional bills were commonly sent to England after the original request, and were returned to Ireland before the meeting of a new parliament. The example from 1496 was the separate request for parliamentary licence and sending of bills in the reappointment of the earl of Kildare. At this time, because the rigid procedure of Poynings’ Law was not in the interest of any of the parties involved, especially the crown and Irish executive, Quinn argues that “no hesitation was felt about transmitting additional bills” after the licence had been granted (Quinn 1941, 247).

[edit] References

  • Bradshaw, Brendan. The Irish Constitutional Revolution of the Sixteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979
  • Ellis, Steven G. Tudor Ireland: Crown, Community and the Conflict of Cultures 1470–1603. New York: Longman Group Limited, 1985.
  • “Poynings’ Law.” In Irish Historical Documents. 1172–1922. Ed. E. Curtis and R.B. McDowell. London: Methuen & Company Limited, 1968. 83.
  • Quinn, D.B. “The early interpretation of Poynings’ Law, 1494–1534.” Irish Historical Studies. 2:7 (1941): 241-254.

[edit] External links

Major constitutional laws affecting Ireland
Flag of Republic of Ireland Pre-Union

Poynings' Law (1492)
Crown of Ireland Act (1542)
Grattan's constitution (1782)
Act of Union (1800)

Flag of United Kingdom UK Acts

Catholic Relief Act (1829)
Church Disestablishment Act (1869)
Reform Acts: 1884 and 1918
Government of Ireland Act (1920)
Statute of Westminster (1931)
Northern Ireland Constitution Act (1973)
Northern Ireland Act (1998)

Flag of Republic of Ireland Constitutions

Proclamation of the Republic (1916)
Dáil Constitution (1919)
Free State Constitution (1922)
Constitution of Ireland (1937)

Flag of Republic of Ireland Oireachtas Acts

Ministers and Secretaries Act (1924)
Courts of Justice Act (1924)
External Relations Act (1936)
Republic of Ireland Act (1948)
Human Rights Act (2003)

Flag of United Nations Treaties

Anglo–Irish Treaty (1922)
European Convention (1950)
Treaties of the EU (1973–2003)
Good Friday Agreement (1998)

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