Talk:Powerball (exercise tool)

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I've created this page to avoid wiki-wars in Dynabee section - there is someone trying to break this page all the time.

Added lot of information on the powerball subject, new metal powerballs, new world records and so on. Johnthenerd 00:30, 24 December 2006 (UTC) 25 kg of torque can't be correct - the SI unit for torque is N·m Johnthenerd 00:30, 24 December 2006 (UTC)johnthenerd

[edit] World Records

Maybe this could be cleared up in the article - How is the "world record" 16,000RPM, when there's a video (of the same guy no less) going over 20,000RPM? Fruitbatnt 19:00, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

This is another mode of counting. First mode (16000 rpm) is "highest speed", second mode is "total revs in 90 seconds", so it's not RPM but just 20000 revs. Dmitrek 19:29, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Some questions from the Dutch owner of some powerball Brands

Its not legal to name others fake. Also if talking about powerball there are more brands so not only the nanosecond powerball. This subject is about Powerball in Common!

No that is not a fake. Nanosecond is the biggest world producer ( but not the only) for Powerballs and holds some of the patents for it - check their page. If, by the mistakes of international copyright laws some other companies were able to produce their "powerballs" (actually, Nanosecond invented this name), they should be considered as the pirate versions. Dmitrek 19:29, 11 January 2007 (UTC)
From the Dutch I warned you before this statement is illegal/ unlawful.
Oh please, no legal treats here. It's not unlawful until you can't proof otherwise. There is no proof of Gyro Exerciser called Powerball before the Nanosecond. Point. Dmitrek 03:50, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

No Nanosecond was more then 20 years later then the originals in 1973 that is proven by patents and lawsuites. We have for example a patent ourselves in Benelux out of 1994 that was also years before Nanosecond exists with powerballs! So your remark of pirate is damaging our name!

When do you think NanoSecond has appeared to market? ( in Europe official not before 1998)

Some importers have to pay by lawsuites a large amount of money because they did this before. Advertisement about extra's as not allowed by wiki rules

Powerpod is not an advertisement, as you can see, this is an enhancement for the Powerball itself. Please, read the rules, and if you think that I'm wrong with something - call for the editors. Dmitrek 19:29, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

Also illigal statements about fake for HIGH COURT lawsuites proven that they aren't can cost a lot of money for also wiki if this statement stay's

High court? Which country, can you please tell me? And the links for that, of course. Dmitrek 19:29, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

See the links its in Europe where we had powerballs before Nanosecond existed. The others as Ironpower, Dynabee, Gyrotwister are all legal powerballs and no fake. Some better some not but that is not what this is about

At least, Dynabee, Gyrotwister are not referring to themselves as to "Powerball" Which are better? For example, Dynaflex is the same Nanosecond Powerball, it's been produced by Nanosecond factory and it was clearly stated. Just a rebranded powerball. Dmitrek 19:29, 11 January 2007 (UTC)
So her you see yourself there are more Brands of powerballs ;)
There is a single brand for "Powerball", and it's NSD Powerball. Few other powerballs are being produced on the NSD factories, and the others are knock-offs. Dmitrek 02:31, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

Again courtlaws have proven that this is not correct for Europe Benelux court for that is counting for Europe by a EUROPEAN LAW! ( maybe Asia as the powerball word patent is there and not here!!!) ANd Nanosecond did not get the Brand powerball here at all so powerball for the gyro's is in Europe no Brand, As "Nanosecond powerball" "powerballl the orginal" "powerball 250 Hz" "Dynabee powerball "Ironpower powerball" and so on are. Also in Europe other Ball sport and subjects has the name Powerball. ( in Belgian a heavy ballsport i don't know exactly and powerball as brand for somthing to do with paintball and so on, so the word powerball is not invented by Nanosecond att all.) Look for the word "powerball" as brand in Europe and you see its not a brand for powerballs! But other sports and other things have the Brand word "powerball" inhere

Its not about better because this is only commercial crap also!

Yes it is. If you dare to compare, take any no-named gyro exerciser and try for yourself. My own record is 13500rpm, which is impossible for the most gyros on the market. Moreover, there is no counters to counter-proof it. Dmitrek 02:58, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

I not agree but thats the difference of the nanaosecond they have counters but therefore you cant say nanosecond is better yoy yourself can't proof this with the speed you reach because that the patented part that nanoseond have.

This subject should not be a advertising for one brand! But to explain with examples of brands and so on how people can say thats a powerball to. And the working of powerball Gyro's in common.

And, once again. Powerball is not "one brand" it was the brand created by NanoSecond for their wrist exerciser. Dmitrek 19:29, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

Powerball is no brand at all proven at high court Links in Dutch for prove from that lawsuit that we where selling powerballs at the start of 1994 Nanosecond did not existed then at all. And the rectification of a nanosecond importer that buy powerballs before from us The injury warning for practising at high speeds is a University research so also important information.

What does it mean "belgian university"? Where is the link for these odd warnings? Dmitrek 19:29, 11 January 2007 (UTC)
Prove link here with some text out of the official independed research You have to pay for the research itself! [1] [2]
And so on? First link you gave leads us to some forum without any information. Second link gives us no hint again - it's just some belgium site without any relation to Powerball, requiring registration. Dmitrek 01:29, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
And so on so please cut with the crap as doing only commercial things with this subject!We did prove al the said with independed links, researches, and lawsuites IN that forum is a part out of that research that is copied so there is the info, and for the newspaper to read register then if you like to read it all. The most important part copied with prove is prove enough, so please don't be that.
Sorry, but the forum could not be taken as a lead for correct information. Dmitrek 02:58, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

The forum is correct its a short part out of the research that was printed in the paper you have to register that paper for reading , but a direct copy from that part is in the forum, the printing in the paper is the official result of the research.

You only have to read dutch yes but wiki is in more languages so ask a collegae editor to translate because they are no party in this. I did a partly translation but you are saying that i'm lieing?

What am I telling, is that THIS wikipedia is english. There are other wiki's you might be interested with your "proofs", German for example. Check []. Dmitrek 10:57, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Note for editors

There is someone trying to change this page for the commercial purposes. He is using ip addresses of this provider: or Dmitrek 19:39, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

So yes i do because we won all these lawsuites concerning fake and who is real also readers should see all powerballs if one brand is named the others should to and the real history and information not the so called only one and commercial nonsens about one that was much later then others. The links are and where alsmost al commercial but also with information in the languages for that country's. And yes some from us but also from competitors to have a honest compare. I do not delete links and let only one commercial party stay. As Dmitrek did! I let them all stay til a wiki admin/mod has seen what this is all about, so or all links should be there for info in the native language for the readers and also to give info about other Brands. Or all should be deleted!
Look, Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia, there are no admins or moderators. All the links you gave are some kind of commercial links,

No i give links with extra information and proof of the statements i make You give links from only one commercial brand and that is really involvement and very commercial abuse to put one brand and keep others from it !?

Your "extra" links are leading users to the shops or sites in other languages. As you can see, this wikipedia is English, so the links from here must lead to resources, sites and information in english. That's important. Dmitrek 01:37, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

For proof to be right for wiki editors owners admins and claims other languages are OK because Wiki is in more languages to! ( and there are editors for and in that languages that they can read and translate this if you want ask them, and wiki information should be the through complete and can't have ilegal statements as for example "fake and pirate" that kind of you did more times. Also with the links of independed official proofs wiki editors can check that what you're saying is not correct. Yes we did proved al this in three lawsuites that we won. So please don't cry or that kind of stuff.

So editors please learn or ask Dutch and German speaking editors to read the links of proof that a lot of nonsens is said by and about only one Brand . That Brand has some minor patents with extra's as the counter if you take the time to read the complete official patents then in the same patents from Nanosecond the are saying wich older patents they used for powerball gyro's principe. Only then you can come to the real conclusion that Nanosecond has made some extra features for the powerball Gyro. As the name say its a Ball that give Power and this was also before Nanosecond. [3]

Look, "Ball that give Power" is not "Powerball" at all. Don't you see it? Dmitrek 01:37, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
IS only a example but here in Europe proven by judges and court that powerball is a common name and not a brand. I did place links of that lawsuites so!?!
Not in Europe, buy in Benelux, as I guess. Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

IN Benulux proven court are also counting for a lot of things in Europe as we are in Germany and Benelux from the start of 1994 so this is Europe and we did proof the things.

And the proof of not invented by or for NASA only the equation of motion in about 1992 to explain some of the physics see this link for prove of that and one Importer has changed this original ( talking about dynabee) in powerball was invented for Nasa so read it and laugh as we do [4]

Dynaflex also existed before Nanosecond yes Dynaflex manufacturer is now nanosecond how come do you think? ( because production in Asia is Cheaper then in the USA) Because before that Variety Plastics in 1973 had the Powerball Gyro on the Market with Brands as Dynabee, theragrip eezbee and so on and they made them in the USA . It was cheaper to produce in Taiwan so therefore Nanosecond.

I don't mind if some company existed before - Dynaflex mentioned as original creator for the first powerballs in the article. Dmitrek 01:37, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

Dynaflex owner Tom Smit was a employee of VAriety Plastics ( owner Ken Pravtiz) that has The dynabee powerball from 1973 after he started for himslef in the 90's with Dynaflex made in Asia, so the first orginal is still Dynabee then from Variety!

'So you don't mind this is proof that you also agree that the real powerball gyro principe was there before Nanosecond made some extra features on it with the patents!Because a patent could only have parts in it that are complete new, if the product was complete on the market before from other manufactures then they can't patented these products again and thats why nano have only patent for extra's.O yes we did send an email to vandalism@wiki with the proof and they can contact us for more if ..

So did I. Dmitrek 01:37, 12 January 2007 (UTC) Thanks for that

Because we don't like to be called fake / pirates at all this is done before and they have to pay a claim. We where on the Market before Nano exists we don't say Nano is fake or bad Quality they have a good quality also, and yes we are selling Nanosecond Powerballs and other Brands. So we have for more then 13 years powerball experience and now a large collection of different powerballs and Brands maybe the biggest in Europe out of the past 14 years.

I can't care less as for your collection. Your information, information that you provide, is wrong. Dmitrek 01:37, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

no it CAn't be wrong because we where there ourselves and three/four lawsuites the judges find this is through. So independed research and also official documents with the Stamp in the name of the Queen on can't be Lies!

I said that because "old" powerball producers now make their Powerballs at NSD factory. Other, relatively new producers are using different holes which helps them to produce and sell powerballs for the local markets. Dmitrek 10:52, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

We are not selling for local market but for Europe for over 13 years now thats is not local the holes you're talking about were used by Nanosecond themselves because of the olderness of the original patents to change some and for the changes they did become a new Patent

I think that you're a little bit over-involved by yourself. If you'll see your own link [5], I think that you'll realize what do I mean. There were no mention of Powerballs before the NSD. It was called gyro exerciser, gyrotwister - anything but the Powerball. As for the manufacturer, if you'll check most gyro-excersiers available by that time, you'll realize again that Dynaflex or ezbee were not nearly as good as the any NSD Powerball.
( they where also called in the market powerball but then later if its a common name it doesn't matter and nanosecond is a brand as ironpower is as dynabee is as gyrotwister is and so on) Yes involed while you're trying to damage other powerball brands that should not! Others did before, we are protecting our name and products for that also by Law that is complete normal! ( and only for this reason i am placing the right info on wike, so if you or editors translate and or place / made all the info true and really complete i have no complains at all.)

I don't agree we had dynabee powerball made in USA working out of 1994. And Ironpower Steel rotor is made in Germany.

And again, as for the "minor" patents NSD does have - check this link [6]. What will you say? Dmitrek 01:25, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

Read the reference cited in that Nanosecond patent from the other patents on your own example ;) ( which if you read the other patents did this with more early patents out of 70's and so on to. On that examples from other patents then you see powerball was complete on the market before Nanosecond! Also we have a patent out of 1994 so with the complete shell and Ball in the Benelux in 1994 that proves that Nanosecond was not her at all the picture is a foto of that what do you want more!? You can't ignore that the gyro was complete invented and patented before nanosecond did. ( Nanosecond made some extra's and these things are in that patent)

These patents are only describing Powerball. NanoSecond first made computer-balanced powerballs, which became a bestseller for the market. Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

No that patent if you have the complte one is also saying that others patents are used for this nanosecond powerball and say realy only something of the Nansocond changes to that older patents. These are all in English and you can ask for the patents nr that are cited in the nanosecond patents in the USA.

And see again this prove of a drawing on it from 1993 of a dynabee powerball rotor, there you see then this was so good you don't need a starting cord and so on this was USA so not as you say " a European country in other language he "

You can start almost every gyro exerciser with a thumb. Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

Yes agree but for then it was new.

As I can see, you don't get my point. I know of other gyro-wrist-exercising devices. I know what was on the market before. But this article is about Powerball, moreover, this article was moved from NSDPowerball article, so please, stop posting your cheap knock-offs here. Without Nanosecond inventions there will be not that Powerball that we know and admire today. No counters (so no Powerball competitions), no metal powerballs, no new constructions, no bluetooth counters - nothing. All you show here to me is some unproven information without factual reference. Dmitrek 10:52, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

From the Dutch so if "powerball top 100" is so important then it should be a new subject "powerball top 100" ?. It is no legal reason to exlude others and other Brands out of the powerball topic and not at all to call others fake and pirates. read this for other wiki editors only a lot of brand names from powerballs were for Nanosecond on the Market Dmitrek agreed also, thats proving that the invention and odler official patents are from other persons then Nanosecond company .

What's the Powerball top 100 you're mentioning? Counters made Powerballs competitive and involves other people. Older Patents, and everything you tell me about does not prove, that Powerball word wasn't invented by NanoSecond. Also, other gyro exercisers (as you can see from your own references) can run only up to 8000RPM, which is two times slower than a Powerball from NSD. Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

No the refence is saying about agin that no maximum speed, its about 8000 is recomended to practice for the usaul users, not the power users, but if you practice to long at to high speeds you can get injury's

And metall powerball ( ironpower) was about 2 years on the market before the NANOSECOND version.But you're right Nanosecond is ofcourse an important powerball manufacturer with good extra's as counter. I agree. But this is no reaseon to call others that where before on the Market or has there own inventions fake / pirates or cheap. ( dynabee, theragrip, gyrotwister, manual power, ironpower, turbo pro, supergyro, and so on are all legal original powerballs )

I don't think that these are "illegal". What am I trying to say, is that for today, NanoSecond produces better powerballs than any other competitor, have lots of inventions over others, and, actually, this article was about NSD Powerball, until you came to erase big part of this article. If you want to write something about Dynabee or other exercisers - create a new article. Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

This is going about powerballs so the other powerball brands should be here if you want a article of a brand then do "mercedes" nd so on

Why do you think it was a moveover from nsd powerball because powerball is commonname and there are more Brands! You say yourself that there are before and more, while powerball is a proven common name is one brand misleading for wiki readers, Also i have send you prove of the research and warning in English so don't be that.

I can get this as a proof of something. Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC) Yes you can't but its a coppy printed of a official research you have to pay to get the complete, but newspapers with a copy of the parts out of the research did place a rectification because teh print the correct text.

Hello Dmitrek: What you know is one brand thats your fault if you are some kind of blind for the others ? not ours. Prove independed and official have we given more then a dozen pages so!

Please, tell me what other brands do have what the NSD Powerball doesn't have covered by it's patents. Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

Nanosecond has only partly patent on powerballs some parts as the counter, Double dynamite powerball is for example a double powerball that was before nanaosecond powerball was on the market,

Ironpower the first metal has its own disclosu and german made precision steel rotors ans so on also on the market before the iron of nano did Manuel power has a generator to load cell phones and a flash light build in and so on.

ANd the first metal powerball on the market was ironpower and so on in 2004.

I can not agree again - check for the patents of NSD. Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

In that patent nothing from metal is there and the Ironpower is also a different powerball then the patended parts from Nanosecond, Ironpower is bases on the dynabee patents that where to old and made their own improvements to open the ironpowerball and to change the rotor from alu to steel uprade a UEFA verson that is also proof of the very good quality and so on.

Proofs are from university so independend research also from lawsuites with official stamps on it in the name of the Queen! So that is no real proof?! sorry you're realy talking nonsens

You've told me about your queen already, sorry. Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)
She is a nice Queen ;)
May be a best ever. If some documents are stamped with in the name of Queen it doesn't mean that this is a last instance. Dmitrek 03:50, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

?? aaa

If there is a wiki subject about bicycle or auto then also not one brand should be there and commercial links to that only one that you do. Also others make extra inventions as ironpower powerball, dynabee double dynamite powerball, manual powerball, and so on

Powerball is the word, invented by NanoSecond. You can actually give me any reference of the Powerballs before the NanoSecond. In all your links it was called "gyro exerciser" or in some other ways, but not a Powerball. Like if I was editing an article of "Mercedes" and you get there stating that "there are a lot of other cars on the market!" Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)
No its auto or automobile and not Mercedes you have to compare the powerball as common name, if the inventor of bicycle or auto was then bicycle or auto as brand but they are also not a brand because of the common use of the words for that products.
As you see, the common word is "Gyro Exerciser". Powerball as the name was invented by the Nanosecond. Dmitrek 03:50, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

Yes gyro , guro exerciser, wristball, gyroball are as common describing as powerball is

Nanosecond themselves have not taken the powerball as brand because they can't in Europe as said before they have the brand "nsd power" That is so for if you can read no powerball it has only the word power and no powerball at all in the European brand of Nanosecond so if Nano can get that this proofs enough ANother prove is that NANOSECOND did not get the European brand powerball but only "NSD POWER" so they know to that it is a common name. And ofcourse you are right that the Nanosecond powerball is a good powerball but some others are to.

Can you please point me to the other Powerballs that are nearly as good as NSD? Dmitrek 02:57, 15 January 2007 (UTC)

Ironpower Dynabe products ( has a more powerfulle bal the Turbopro this is bigger and therefore gives more power, manual power as the Netherland importer "Mill and pow... europe" says is the "new powerball" with the same quality and so on.

You opinion is OK its yours if everyone can and should have about a product and so on but the subject is powerball and not to lower down some Brands and to praise an other brand that no independed wiki statement wich should.

It's not about the brands. Powerball describes a product, which is being produced by Nanosecond. All it's models are called just "Powerballs". Powerball 250hz, Powerball Neon, Powerball 350hz and so on. Without this weasel language. Dmitrek 03:50, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

ON Wiki you and Wiki can't give a Quality statement compared to others because no real research and compare by any official institute is done so far!! It is only and only a opinion as others prefer ironpower and or and so on.

Well, you wasn't able to provide me with information on why do you think that word Powerball wasn't invented by NanoSecond. Dmitrek 03:50, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

Well i don't have to convince you if you are believing things that are not through ist your problem. I have give proof enough for all the other wiki readers that also Nanosecond in Europe can't get the Brand powerball at all is the most simple proof that you can search yourself in the database of the european common brands its is ther in English to so take a look and see ;), also that there are a lot of other Brands and lawsuites, if you did not take the time to learn and read that languages or ask other editors to to its your problem.

Bur for now you have to wait till they do so!