Posterior chain

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The posterior chain is a group of muscles in the lower body which are important in force development for explosive movements like jumping and sprinting. The muscles which fall into the posterior chain or "p-chain", are the hamstrings, the calves, the glutes, and the lower back.

[edit] Methods Of Training The Posterior Chain

The four most common exercises in developing explosive strength and power in the posterior chain are the olympic lifts -- the Clean_and_jerk and the snatch_(weightlifting) -- as well as the full back squat and the deadlift. Other exercises which aid in development of the posterior are glute hamstring raises, hyper extensions, reverse-hyper extensions, good mornings and their variations, Romanian deadlifts, stiff-leg deadlifts, single-leg squats with a deep range of motion, and lunges with weight shifted on the heel.

[edit] See also