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Psychological movements are considered to be post-cognitivist if they are opposed or move beyond the cognitivist theories posited by Noam Chomsky, Jerry Fodor, David Marr and others.

Examples of postcognivist propositions:


Costall, A. and Still, A. (eds) (1987) Cognitive Psychology in Question. Brighton: Harvester Press Ltd.

Potter, J. (2000). Post cognitivist psychology, Theory and Psychology, 10, 31-37.

Still, Arthur, and Alan Costall, eds. Against Cognitivism: Alternative Foundations for Cognitive Psychology. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991

Zielke, B. (2004): Kognition und soziale Praxis. Der Soziale Konstruktionismus und die Perspektiven einer postkognitivistischen Psychologie. Bielefeld: transcript.