Portuguese vocabulary
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- See also: Portuguese language
Since Portuguese is a Romance language, most of its lexicon comes from Latin. However, other languages that came into contact with it have also left their mark.
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[edit] From Latin to Portuguese
Both in morphology and in syntax, Portuguese represents an organic transformation of Latin without the direct intervention of any foreign language. The sounds, grammatical forms, and syntactical types, with a few exceptions, are derived from Latin, and almost 90% of its vocabulary is still derived from the language of Rome. Some of the changes began during the Empire, others took place later. A few words remained virtually unchanged, like taberna ("tavern"), or even returned to a form close to the original, such as coxa ("thigh").
Erudite latinisms were formed in the late Middle Ages, due to the use of Church Latin by the Catholic Church, and during the Renaissance, when Classical antiquity in general, and Literary Latin in particular, enjoyed great prestige. Thus, for example, Latin AVRV, which had originated ouro ("gold") and dourado ("golden"), was re-introduced as the adjective áureo ("golden"). In the same way, LOCALE ("place"), which had evolved to lugar, was later re-introduced as the more erudite local. Many erudite Greek words and combining elements were also introduced or re-introduced in this way. Because of this, many Latin words are still familiar to Portuguese speakers.
N.B.: In the Latin examples below, we have used all-capitals so as to be in line with how the ancient language was actually written. Note also that the letter V was the vowel we know today as U, and that the C was always pronounced [k], so CENTV was originally pronounced ['kentu]. Later latinisms are marked with (L).
Palatalization of voiceless stops — the consonants [k] and [t] assimilated with the high vowels [e] and [i], and with the semivowel [j].
- CENTV > [tj]ento > [ts]ento > cento (hundred)
- FACERE > fa[tj]ere > fa[ts]er > fa[dz]er > fazer (to do)
A more ancient evolution was
- FORTIA > for[ts]a > força (strength)
Voicing — some consonants did not disappear but rather evolved with voiceless stops becoming voiced stops and voiced stops becoming voiced fricatives in certain positions:
- MVTV > mudo (mute)
- LACV > lago (lake)
- FABA > fava (broadbean)
- LOCVSTA > lagosta (lobster)
Assimilation — consonant clusters, especially double consonants, were simplified:
- GVTTA > gota (drop)
- PECCARE > pecar (to sin)
Elision — the consonants [l] and [n] of Vulgar Latin were deleted between vowels, after which either the vowels around them coalesced, or an epenthetic semivowel was introduced between them.
- DOLORE > door > dor (pain); (L) doloroso (painful)
- BONV > bõo > bom, (good)
- ANELLV > ãelo > elo (bond); (L) anel (ring)
- SALIRE > sair (to get out)
- COLARE > coar
- NOTVLA > nódoa (stain)
Palatalization of liquids and nasals — the consonants [l] and [n] assimilated with the semivowel [j], producing the palatals lh [ʎ] and nh [ɲ]:
- MVLIER > mulher (woman)
- IVNIV > junho (June)
Regressive Nasalization — before [m] or [n] which were elided, or in syllable coda, some vowels became nasal. This happened between the 6th and the 7th centuries, possibly influenced by Celtic languages previously spoken in the Iberian Peninsula. This change produced one of the most striking phonological differences between Portuguese and Spanish. The history of nasal vowels in hiatus with a previous or following vowel is complex, depending on the identity of the two vowels and the position of the stress.
1. If the vowels were near each other, they collapsed into a single vowel (nasal or oral, according to the nasality of the stressed vowel):
- BONV > bõo > bom (good)
- CALENTE > caẽte > quente (hot)
- GANADU > gãado > gado (cattle)
- LANA > lãa > lã (wool)
2. Otherwise, if the second vowel was more closed, the result was usually a nasal diphthong:
- MANV > mão (hand)
- CANES > cães (dogs)
3. If the second vowel was more open, or as open, nasalization was lost:
- LVNA > lũa > lua (moon). Exception: VNA > ũa > uma (one)
- BONA > bõa > boa (good, fem.)
- PLENV > chẽo > cheio (full)
4. If the first vowel was [i], however, nasalization evolved to a palatal nasal consonant, inserted between the two vowels:
- VINV > vĩo > vinho (wine)
- REGINA > *ragina > raĩa > rainha (queen)
Progressive Nasalization — The spread of nasalization forward from a nasal consonant, especially [m].
- MADRE > made > mae > mãe (mother)
- HAC NOCTE > ãnoite > ãõte > ontem [õtẽĩ] (yesterday).
Epenthesis — the insertion of a sound to break up a combination of vowels which was difficult to pronounce:
- ARENA > arẽa > areia (sand); (L) arena (arena)
- GALLINA > gal[ĩ]a > galinha (chicken)
- VINO > v[ĩ]o > vinho (wine)
Examples such as the former two have been used by some authors to argue that the digraph nh was a nasal glide in medieval Portuguese, and thus its pronunciation in some dialects of Brazil and São Tomé and Príncipe is the original one[citation needed].
Dissimilation — Modification of a sound by the influence of neighbouring sounds; similar became different over time, so as to ease pronunciation.
1. Between vowels:
- LOCVSTA > lagosta (lobster)
- CAMPANA > campãa > campa (tomb)
2. Between consonants:
- MEMORARE > nembrar > lembrar (to remember); (L) memorizar (to memorize)
- ANIMA > alma (soul); (L) animado (animated)
- LOCALE > logar > lugar; (L) local (place)
Metathesis — a sound change that alters the order of phonemes in a word. Semi-vowel metathesis:
- PRIMARIV > primeiro (first); (L) primário (primary)
Consonant metathesis in [l] and [r]:
- TENEBRAS > teevras > trevas (darkness); this was rare in Portuguese; (L) tenebroso (eerie)
Vowel metathesis:
- GENUCULUM > genoclo > gẽo[lj]o > joelho (knee)
[edit] Other influences on the lexicon of Portuguese
[edit] Pre-Roman languages of Iberia
Very few traces of the languages of the native peoples of Iberia (Lusitanians, Conii, or Gallaeci), or of pre-Roman settlers like the Phoenicians, Carthaginians or Celts, persist in the language, but there are some exceptions (most are unconfirmed). Many places in Portugal have pre-Roman names, such as the cities of Braga and Coimbra and the rivers Minho and Tâmega.
- Abóbora (pumpkin)
- Bezerro (year-old calf)
- Louça (claw)
- Manteiga (butter)
- Sapo (toad)
- Cabana (hut) (cf. Latin capanna)
- Cama (bed)
- Camisa (shirt) (cf. Fr. chemise, Lat. camisia, Gr. kamision)
- Carvalho (oak)
- Cerveja (beer)
- Touca (headress)
- Malha (mesh)
- Mapa (map)
- Saco (bag)
[edit] Germanic languages
The Germanic influence in Portuguese was small, restricted to warfare and related topics. The influence also exists in placenames such has Ermesinde and Esposende, where sinde and sende are derived from the Germanic "sinths" (military expedition).
- Barão (baron) from Germanic baro
- Ganhar (to win) from Germanic waidanjan
- Guerra (war) from Gothic *wirro
- Roubar (to rob) from Germanic raubon
- Saga (saga) from Gothic saega
- Aleive (treason) from Gothic lavjan
- Alvergue from Gothic haribergo
- Elmo from Gothic hilms
- Estaca from Gothic stakka
- Fona from Gothic fon
- Fornir from Gothic frumjan
- Godo from Gothic guthans
- Guia from Gothic wida
- Lasca from Gothic laska
- Marta from Gothic marthus
- Roca from Gothic ruka
- Tampa from Gothic tappa
[edit] Arabic
Projections indicate 1000 Arabic loan words. In old Portuguese this represented 25% of the used lexicon, today its importance has decreased as the language became richer and reinfluenced by Greek, Latin and other languages.
- Alcova (alcove) from alkubba
- Aldeia (village) from aldaya
- Alface (lettuce) from alkhass
- Algarismo (number, figure) from alkarizmi
- Almirante (admiral) from amir + ar-rahl
- Almofada (cushion) from almukhadda
- Âmbar (amber) from anbar
- Armazém (warehouse; a cognate of English "magazine") from almahazan
- Arroz (rice) from arruz (loan from Greek óryza)
- Azeite (olive oil) from azzait
- Fátima (woman's name, and name of a town in Portugal) from Fāṭimah
- Garrafa (bottle) from garrafā (see "caraff")
- Girafa (giraffe) from zurafa
- Jasmim (jasmine) from yasmin (loan from Persian jasamin)
- Jarra (vase) from jarra
- Xadrez (chess) from shatranj (loan from Sanskrit chaturanga)
The name of the currency of Mozambique, the metical, is derived from the word miāl, an Arabic unit of weight.
[edit] Words from African, Amerindian and Asian languages
With the Portuguese discoveries linguistic contact was made, and the Portuguese language became influenced by other languages other than European or Arabic. Many placenames and local animals have Amerindian names in Brazil, in Angola and Mozambique, the same occurring with the local Bantu languages.
- Banana (banana) from Wolof
- Bungular (to dance like African wizards) from Kimbundu kubungula
- Chimpanzé (chimpanzee) from Bantu
- Cabiri (small domestic animal) from Kimbundu kabiribiri
- Cafuné (caress on the head) from Kimbundu kifumate
- Capoeira (Brazilian martial art) from Kikongo kipura (cf. Port. & Lat. cap)
- Marimba (musical instrument) from Bantu marimba/malimba
- Ananás (pineapple) from Tupi-Guarani naná
- Abacaxi (pineapple) from Tupi ibá + cati
- Jaguar (jaguar) from Tupi-Guarani jaguara
- Tatu (armadillo) from Guarani tatu
- Tucano (toucan) from Guarani tucan
- Catana (cutlass) from Japanese Katana
- Chá (Tea), from Chinese cha
- Corja (rabble) from Malay kórchchu
- Ramarrão, ramerrão or rame-rame (routinous sound), from Hindi Ráma-Ráma
- Manga (mango), from Malay mangga
[edit] See also
- Portuguese exonyms
- Portuguese names
- List of most common surnames (See Brazil and Portugal)
[edit] External links
- Contrastive Romance Lexicology at Orbis Latinus
- Pranto and llanto, but not chanto — On Portuguese etymology A comparison of sound changes in Portuguese and other Romance languages
- As Projeções da Língua Árabe na Língua Portuguesa, essay by Antônio Houaiss