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Portpool was a manor in the district of Holborn, London. It is not recorded in the Domesday Book but references to it occur from the 12th century onwards. For many years it was owned by the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's Cathedral, who let it out to the Grey family. The Manor of Portpool subsequently became known as Gray's Inn, acquiring a reputation for the teaching of law.

[edit] History

Simon de Gardino de Purtepole left his house within Holeburne bar to his son-in-law Richard de Chygewelle or Chigwell.[1] Chygewelle in 1294 enfeoffed the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's with the property, and they enfeoffed Reginald de Grey,who held it of them in 1307. Before 1397 Henry Grey de Wilton had made a feoffment of "Portpole maner called Grey's Inn" to certain persons in trust.[2]

In 1505 the Grey family sold to Hugh Denny, Esq "the manor of Portpoole (one of the prebends belonging to St. Paul's Cathedral), otherwise called Gray's Inn, four messuages, four gardens, the site of a windmill, eight acres of land, ten shillings of free rent, and the advowson of the chantry of Portpoole." The manor was next sold to the prior and convent of East Sheen, in Surrey, who leased "the mansion of Portpoole" to "certain students of the law", at the annual rent of £6 13s. 4d; and after the Dissolution the benchers of Gray's Inn were entered in the King's books as the fee farm tenants of the Crown, at the same rent as paid to the monks of Sheen.[3]

John Stow, writing at the end of the 16th century, stated that beyond Holborn Bars lay "Porte Poole, or Grayes Inne lane, so called of the Inne of Courte, named Grayes Inne, a goodly house there scituate, by whome builded or first begun I haue not yet learned, but seemeth to be since Edward the thirds time, and is a prebend to Paules Church in London."

The exact location of the manor buildings does not appear to be recorded, although it seems to be assumed that they lay in the area of the current hall of Gray's Inn.

The name Portpool is preserved today in Portpool Lane, which runs to the east off Gray's Inn Road.

[edit] Origins of the name

The earliest references to the name of the manor indicate that the first syllable is "Purt" ("Purtepol" c.1200 and 1203; "Purtepole" 1220 and 1309; "Pourtepol" 1316). This shows that it cannot be "port" in any sense of that word but instead a personal name, "Purta". It is therefore "Purta's Pool".[4]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Cal. Wills, i 48
  2. ^ E. Williams, Staple Inn, 22, 38-44, and Douthwaite, Gray's Inn, 3-18
  3. ^ John Timbs, Curiosities of London, 1867
  4. ^ J.E.B. Gover, The Place Names of Middlesex, London, 1922, pp 70-1 and 105.