Port Eads, Louisiana

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Port Eads, Louisiana, 29.016N, 89.161W, is located at the southern tip of the Mississippi River, also known as South Pass in Plaquemines Parish. It is the southern most point in Louisiana. At the Head of Passes, the river separates into three main fingers. Port Eads is found at the bottom of the center branch. A lighthouse there serves ocean going ships. It is accessible only by boat and helicopter.

It is used primarily by offshore fishermen who begin their journey in Venice, Louisiana, 30 miles to the north. Port Eads offers docking and refueling premises, primitive rooms for rent, weigh station, and a small restaurant. Because of its location, offshore fishermen from around the country flock to Port Eads. It is the closest port to the continental shelf, the 100 fathom curve, in the entire Gulf of Mexico. The shelf is five miles from the port. Each June, the New Orleans Invitational Billfish Tournament is held there. There have been two one-thousand pound blue marlin caught by boats using Port Eads, representing the only two "granders" caught on record in the Gulf of Mexico.


[edit] History

[edit] James Buchanan Eads

The Mississippi River in the 100-mile-plus stretch between the port of New Orleans, Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico frequently suffered from silting up of its outlets, stranding ships or making parts of the river unnavigable for a period of time. James Buchanan Eads (1820-1887) solved the problem with a wooden jetty system that narrowed the main outlet of the river, which caused the river to speed up and cut its channel deeper, so allowing year-round navigation. He was thus honored by having the port at South Pass named after him.

[edit] Hurricane Katrina

The port was completely devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Very little remained except the lighthouse and a few very lucky fishing camps. Two persons who rode out the storm there have yet to be heard from and are presumed dead. Wayne Michael Scarabin, 53, is one of the men who has yet to be found.

[edit] Pictorial History of Port Eads

Port Eads drawing from Feb. 9, 1884 Harper's Weekly.
Port Eads drawing from Feb. 9, 1884 Harper's Weekly.

| Link to photo of Port Eads in 1975

Coordinates: 29°01′00″N, 89°09′42″W