Ponc Gavrisom

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Star Wars character
Ponc Gavrisom
No image available.
Position N/A
Homeworld Calibop
Species Calibop
Gender Male
Height 1.8 meters
Affiliation Rebel Alliance, New Republic
Portrayed by N/A

Ponc Gavrisom is a fictional character of the Star Wars Expanded Universe, featured in the Hand of Thrawn series.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Ponc Gavrisom is a Calibop, a creature with two wings resembling a feathered pterodactyl, which strangely cannot fly. Gavrisom was active on his homeworld in assisting the Rebel Alliance, and was elected to the New Republic Senate eleven years after the Battle of Yavin. Gavrisom was popular for his calm mediator status in Senate proceedings, and stood as a staunch supporter of Chief of State Leia Organa Solo.

Following Organa Solo's resignation following the Corellian Insurrection, Gavrisom was elected by the Senate to fulfill the rest of her term. During this time, the Caamas Document crisis nearly crippled the New Republic, and Gavrisom vainly attempted to unify the shattered coalition. Gavrisom was present, attempting to mediate, when the Imperial fleet revealed itself in orbit of Bothawui. Gavrisom requested Organa Solo and Lando Calrissian's assistance in destroying the Imperial fleet, which they did.

A few months later, Gavrisom signed the peace accords with Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, officially ending the Galactic Civil War. Gavrisom was critical in healing the wounds between the New Republic and the Empire, helping Pellaeon create the Imperial Remnant and joining Talon Karrde's joint information program. Gavrisom also healed the wounds that the Caamas Document crisis brought, and teamed up with Senator Borsk Fey'lya to end any dissent in the Senate.

Chief of State Gavrisom was present at the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, though no other interesting events occurred during his tenure. Gavrisom decided not to seek re-election following the end of his term, 21 years after the Battle of Yavin. Leia Organa Solo was once again elected Chief of State, and Gavrisom resumed his position in the Senate.

Senator Gavrisom remained a staunch supporter of Organa Solo, even into Borsk Fey'lya's tenure. Though Fey'lya and Gavrisom were close, the Calibop realized the threat the Yuuzhan Vong posed. Gavrisom urged the Senate to move against the Yuuzhan Vong, but too many Senators were more focused on politics. Gavrisom fled Coruscant following its capture, and was a supporter of Cal Omas during the election. Following the Coruscant Accords at the end of the war, Gavrisom returned to Calibop. It is unclear whether he continues to hold a seat within the Galactic Alliance's Senate.