Pomperaug Regional High School

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Pomperaug Regional High School, well-known for its academic excellence, is located in Southbury. It serves the infamous Region 15 district, providing education for the residents of Southbury and Middlebury. Official Website

[edit] Sports

Division Championships


Field Hockey: 1979,1981,1982,1983,1985,1987,1988,1992, 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

Boys Soccer: 1980, 1981, 1985, 1997

Boys Cross Country: 1985, 1996, 1997, 2001

Football: 2002, 2004


Boys Basketball: 1980

Girls Basketball: 1980, 1984, 1986, 1987, 2001, 2006


Softball: 1994, 1997, 2001

Boys Track: 1987, 1997. 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006

Girls Track: 1986, 1987

Boys Tennis: 1983, 1985, 2004

Girls Tennis: 1999, 2000, 2003

Golf: 1985,1986,1989,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006

Conference Championships:


Girls' Swimming 2006

Field Hockey:1984,1986,1987,1988,1992,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005

Boys Cross Country: 1974, 1992, 1993, 1997, 2001

Football: 2002, 2004


Boys Basketball: 1968

Girls Basketball: 1968, 2006, 2007

Cheerleading: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

Boys Indoor Track: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

Boys Swimming: 1985,1986,1987,1988,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995, 1996,1997,1998,2000,2001,2007

Wrestling: 1977, 1985

Gymnastics: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005


Baseball: 1967, 1975, 1976, 1994, 1996

Softball: 1994

Boys Track: 1964, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1986, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

Boys Tennis: 1974, 1976

Girls Tennis: 1974, 1975, 1976, 1993

Golf: 1977, 1986, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2006

Girls Track: 1987, 1990, 1992

State Championships

Field Hockey: 1981 "S", 1989 "M", 1996 "M", 1998 "M", 1999 "M", 2000 "M", 2002 "L", 2003 "L"

Football: 2004 "MM"

Boys Track: 1999 "L"

Golf: 1998-Div II, 1999-Div II

Boys Cross Country: 1993 "M", 1997 "MM"

Boys Basketball: 1980 "M"

Girls Cross Country: 1988 "M", 1989 "M"

Boys Swimming: 1991 "S", 1994 "S", 1995 "M", 1996 "M", 1999 "M",2000 "M", 2007 "M"

Softball: 1975 "S"

Gymnastics: 2002 "M" , 2004 "M"

[edit] Clubs and Organizations



Students are able to share their creative pieces in Abraxas, including photographic art, drawings, poems, or short fiction pieces. At the end of the school year, students in Abraxus work as a team to publish a collection of student work to be released and distributed to the students.

Adopt a Grandparent

Residents of Pomperaug Woods Health Center are visited once a week for an hour by the students in Adopt A Grandparent. The time is spent by playing games with the residents, involving them in activites, and reading with them. The goal of Adopt A Grandparent is to help students gain kindness and understanding of others, as well as giving the residents something to look forward to.

Big Brother/Big Sister

Students work with younger children with their homework and duties. The high school students work as mentors for these kids, giving them stability as well as a role model that may be missing from their life.

Car Club

Passionate about increasing the performance of cars, Car Club students work hard to better their understanding of how high performance cars work and how to work with them. Sometimes the club members will go on activites to see car shows or drag racing to appreciate the power of automobiles.

Chess Club The chess club exists to improve, promote, and play the "Royal Game". Activities include a weekly chess workshop, tournament play with other schools, and fund raising activities to support the club's competitive ventures. This club was organized during the 1983-84 school year and was most successful in building an enthusiastic and committed membership.

Children's Community School (C.C.S.)

Members of Children's Community School travel once a week to inner city schools to help out children with homework, activities, and companionship. The students help give these children something to look forward to each week, so a commitment to the club is needed.

Debate Team

Introduced this year, the Debate Team is offered to spark interest in world events and situations, and allowing students to devlop speech and debate skills that will serve instrumental in their communication abilities later in life. Activities include traveling to see live debates, and hosting their own debates at school during meetings.

Diversity Group

Students work as a group and actively participate in various community service projects and opportunities in order to encourage tolerance and understanding. The Diversitty Group also functions as one of the main groups that operates many school functions, such as the Activities Fair.

Ecology Club Founded in September, 1990, the Ecology Club is working to preserve and protect our environment and to raise awareness of ecological issues. Projects for the coming year may include clean-ups, tree plantings, fish stocking, and recycling. Meetings are once a month; the meeting day will be decided at the beginning of the school year. The only requirements are: interest, time and commitment to our cause.

Future Business Leaders of America

Teaching the leadership skills needed in the new business world, the Future Business Leaders of America hope to educate their members on what it takes to survive in the fast-paced corporate environment. Participants must take at least one Business Course to join, and over the course of the year students will prepare for careers in business by working on team projects as well as attending the State Leadership Conference.


Family Career & Community Leaders of America, or F.C.C.L.A for short, strives to have students work in community projects as well as create and operate their own service events. Activities such as bake sales and Walk for Cancer help students gain more appreciation for their family as well as a greater sense of family service.

Habitat for Humanity

Students in Habitat for Humanity help out the less fortunate by fundraising and helping build houses. Working with local affiliates, the group manages to volunteer their timke and effort in the construction of these houses, such as helping move supplies, doing simple tasks, or other various jobs. Habitat for Humanity also runs a number of fundraisers for the needy, including the infamous "Shack-a-thon" drive.

Harvard Model U.N.

An interactive simulation of real world politics, the Harvard Model U.N. allows students to participate in a act out the actions of the United Nations. Students represent countries, and with them, their own political needs and desires. The Harvard Model promotes more understanding of international issues and awareness of current political problems.


The Interact group is an affiliate program with the Tri-bury Rotary International Organization. Dedicated towards the community, participants work on local and international service projects, as well as attending monthly meetings and the Interact Internation Workshops.

Jobs For America's Graduates

J.A.G. helps connect clubs and classrooms with the rest of the community. By sponsoring blood drives, food and clothing drives, donations, and other forms of community service, students work hard in order to give something back to the community and increasing the realtionship between Pomperaug High School and the regional area.


L.I.N.K., or Leaders Introducing New Kids, tries to make the transition from middle school to high school easier and with less stress. Members of L.I.N.K. help out new freshmen in the high school and getting them into their new enviornment as painless as possible. Whether it be having lunch with new students, introducing them to other social groups, or just talking with them, L.I.N.K is an integral part of welcoming students into the school.

Math Team

Competing against other teams across the state and beyond, the Math Team is made up of students who enjoy the challenges of math, racing against the clock and their oppenents to solve increasingly more difficult math questions.

Mock Trial

The criminal process is opened to exploration and investigation in Mock Trial. This experience gives students the oppurtunity to act out the roles of the justice system, such as jury, judge, defense and prosecution. Students will work together to compete against other schools in cases, with the chance of going on to compete with the best teams in the state in real court houses.


The fast and furious sport of paintball is now home at Pomperaug High School. Members practice and play with the club at various paintball fields around the area, experiencing the exhilirating and thrilling action of this modern hobby that is gaining the attention of people around the country.

The Paw (School Newspaper)

Currently still in the planning stages, the Paw is hoping to create their own school newspaper. Students will work on writing and editing their own articles and are put in the paper based on their quality and professional look. The goal of the Paw is to establish several student-editors to be in charge of the paper, and publish a regular newspaper throughout the school.

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Students in Peanut Butter and Jelly work on providing food for the homeless in shelters in Waterbury, making PB&J sandwiches every week in the cafeteria and sending them over the shelter. Meetings are on Tuesdays from 2:15 - 3:00 p.m.

Pomperaug Aviation Club

Dedicated towards exploring the skies, students in the Aviation Club learn all about the fundamentals of aircrafts, from single engine to commercial airliners. Using simulation programs and trips to airfields, they find out what allows objects to fly, how aerodynamics work, and the experience of being a pilot.

Pomperaug Theatre Company

The Theatre Comany produces the dramas and plays of Pomperaug High School, usually giving 3-4 different plays over the school year.. Students work as stagehands, technical coordinators, and actors, their own props and equipment for their popular shows.


The FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting, multinational competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way.

Ski Club

Pomperaug High Schol Ski Club Information. More Information.


Spectrum is dedicated to supporting the gay and lesbian community in PHS, offering opportunities to enlighten and educate their fellow students. Members hope to give their peers an open and understanding mind. Students gather on Fridays, after school in the Music Tech room to have group discussions and watch films

Technology Club

The Technology Club helps to educate and familiarize students and teachers alike with the computers and technology found at Pomperaug High School, offering their guidance and solutions to various problems that occur on the school's computers. Members help teachers and peers by tutoring them on setting up their computers, as well as optimizing and configuring their new PC with the newest software available.

WTCH Video Production Studios

Using the facilities of the Pomperaug Video Studios, students help operate and maintain the WTCH Channel in Southbury and Middlebury. Providing the region with school news, sports, and tapings of various events, the Video Production Studios requires students to understand the technology behind the various equipment in use, such as cameras, lighting, microphone, and video editing.

World Languages Clubs Open to all students of Spanish or French in grades 9-12. The Foreign Language clubs are an extension of the foreign languages courses and provide an opportunity for using the target language in free conversation. The clubs sponsor many activities, such as field trips, dinners, and films.

Yearbook Club

The Yearbook Club is in charge of preserving the memories of the school year, capturing the moments of high school onto paper in the yearbook, also known as Vestige. This difficult task is put in the hands of students, who must act as editors and photographers, deciding what and where things are placed.


Student Government The Student Government of Pomperaug High School meets on a regular basis during the school day. The representatives are chosen by their classmates, and the head advisor interviews potential candidates. Elections are held in the fall. A president, vice president, corresponding secretary, and treasurer are elected by members of the organization. The Student Government is responsible for overseeing all the activities at Pomperaug High School and is also in charge of the calendar of events for the school year. The executive committee (officers) and advisor will meet with the principal and assistant principal on a monthly basis to discuss school related issues. The school administration or executive committee may include other members of the school community as needed.

There are students who represent Pomperaug High School on the state board of student councils, and there are also two representatives to the Board of Education. Each class has approximately twelve representatives and the structure of the organization is governed by the constitution of PHS.

American Field Service This club offers sophomores, juniors, and seniors and opportunity to experience firsthand what it means to live with people of another country for either a full school year or a summer. This student club, open to all students in grades 9-12, meets monthly.

Pomperaug High School, traditionally, hosts at least one foreign exchange student each school year.

French National Honor Society The French National Honor Society inducts students at the end of French II. To be eligible, a student must have maintained an "A" average in French, "B" in other courses, and must continue the study of French. As members of a service-oriented honor society, the members of FHS tutor in French and participate in activities that promote interest in French: programs in the elementary and middle schools and cultural programs at the high school.

National Honor Society (Bullet Hill Chapter)

The Honor Society is a national honorary and service organization that recognizes scholatic achievement. The students are selected by the faculty. Eligibility for membership is determined by four criteria: scholarship, service, leadership, and character.


The Tri-M Music Honor Society is a volunteer, service organization whose focus is serving the community through music, recognizing the musical efforts of students, and promoting musical activities. Membership is open to students in grades 9-12, and the requirements to remain in the society include a 3.0 GPA, an A average in all music classes, and the completion of a set amount of service points as determined by the By-Laws. For more information, please click on the link and check out the website.

Natural Peer Helpers Peer Helpers is a peer helping program which serves high school students who want to strengthen their communication and helping skills and to provide support to others and service the school community.

PALS The purpose of this organization is to help integrate physically/mentally challenged students into PHS's academic and social environment, during as well as after the school day.

Pomperaug Guidance Association This student association is a proactive, concerned group of students who serve as an outreach unit of the guidance department. They create and work with programs to assist fellow students and improve the school environment. Some of their projects include new student orientation, alumni programs for undergraduates, an activity booklet, and middle school tutoring. Membership is by application in April, and the forms are in the guidance office.

Project Reach Out Reach Out is an effort to positively respond to community needs on a very personal level. It attempts to actively address areas in which the quality of people's lives can be enhanced i.e., Amazing Afternoons, Habitat for Humanity, adopting an elderly person, running errands, baking foods, etc.

Spanish National Honor Society A student is eligible if he/she has earned an "A" on the report card for one and a half years in high school (PHS or elsewhere).* On or about the first of March, a student is sent a formal invitation to join the honor society and is asked to sign a contract upon acceptance. The student agrees to tutor other Spanish students, help at one service project and one fund-raiser each year, and attend at least three or four meetings per year.