Talk:Polyglotta Africana

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[edit] Virgules or brackets?

It would be interesting to know how Kölle was able to capture his observations by means of Lepsius' General Linguistic Alphabet in the Polyglotta in 1854, considering that the Alphabet was not published until 1855. Perhaps he was acquainted with Lepsius and received a pre-publication copy...? Or was it some other phonetic system?

In any case we may assume that the entries were phonetic transcriptions, not phonological analyses, may we not? Thus, the virgules in the text should probably be replaced with square brackets.

-- Ziusudra 02:23, 5 May 2006 (UTC)

You are right, square brackets are better here. On the alphabet, I believe it was indeed circulated before its publication, but I'd have to read up on that. — mark 06:27, 5 May 2006 (UTC)