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Politics Portal

Politics is the process and method of gaining or maintaining support for public or common action: the conduct of decision-making for groups. This notion predates human society. Although it is usually applied to governments, political behavior is also observed in corporate, academic, religious, and other institutions. Political science is the field devoted to studying political behavior and examining the acquisition and application of power, or the ability to impose one's will on another. Its practitioners are known as political scientists. Political scientists look at elections, public opinion, institutional activities (how legislatures act, the relative importance of various sources of political power), the ideologies behind various politicians and interest groups, how politicians achieve and wield their influence, and so on.

Selected article

President is a title held by many leaders of organizations, companies, trade unions, universities, and countries. Etymologically, a "president" is one who presides, who sits in leadership (from Latin prae- "before" + sedere "to sit"; giving the term praeses). Originally, the term referred to the presiding officer of a ceremony or meeting (i.e. chairman); but today it most commonly refers to an official with executive powers.

Among other things, president today is a common title for the head of state of most republics, whether popularly elected, chosen by the legislature or a special electoral college. It is also often adopted by dictators.


Selected biography

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

Thomas Gerard ("Tom") Tancredo (born December 20, 1945) is an American politician from the Republican Party. He has been a member of the United States House of Representatives since 1999, representing the 6th Congressional District of Colorado, which includes most of Denver's southern suburbs. He has gained national attention for his strong stance against illegal immigration, and he has expressed interest in seeking the 2008 Republican nomination for president. Tancredo won re-election in 2006 against Democratic challenger Bill Winter with a 59%-40% margin. (read more...)




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Selected picture

The Parliament of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Photo credit: Steven W. Dengler


Selected quote

We will stand by our friends and administer a stinging rebuke to men or parties who are either indifferent, negligent, or hostile, and, wherever opportunity affords, to secure the election of intelligent, honest, earnest trade unionists, with clear, unblemished, paid-up union cards in their possession.

Samuel Gompers, American Federationist, May 1906

Tasks and WikiProjects


Comprehensive overview of politics coverage

Numerous articles in Wikipedia are related to politics, especially to political science, democracy and the various aspects of a democratic system, most notably elections. In general, all the following articles have at least some connection with politics or the democratic decision-making process.


Political systems/forms of government

Political theories and ideologies

Political theorists

State and government


Elections and parties

Politics by country

Information on politics by country is available for every List of countries, that means each country, including both de jure and de facto independent states, inhabited dependent territories, as well as areas of special sovereignty (compare: History by country). The entries are listed below.



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