Polish Voivodeships and Counties 1919-1939 - trivia
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Polish Voivodeships and Counties 1919-1939 - trivia
[edit] Voivodeships
- Total number of Voivodeships - 16 plus the capital city of Warsaw, which was regarded as a separate unit.
- Biggest Voivodeships (as for Aug. 1, 1939):
- Polesie Voivodeship - area 36 668 sq. km.,
- Volhynian Voivodeship - area 35 754 sq. km.,
- Warszawa Voivodeship - area 31 656 sq. km.
- Smallest Voivodeships (as for Aug. 1, 1939):
- miasto stoleczne Warszawa (the capital city of Warsaw) - area 141 sq. km.,
- Autonomous Silesian Voivodeship - area 5 122 sq. km.,
- Tarnopol Voivodeship - area 16 533 sq. km.
- Most populous Voivodeships:
- Lwów Voivodeship - pop. 3 126 300,
- Kielce Voivodeship - pop. 2 671 000,
- Lodz Voivodeship - pop. 2 650 100.
- Least populous Voivodeships:
- Nowogródek Voivodeship - pop. 1 057 200,
- Polesie Voivodeship - pop. 1 132 200
- miasto stoleczne Warszawa (the capital city of Warsaw) - pop. 1 179 500.
[edit] Counties
- Total number of counties (as for Aug. 1, 1939) - 264, including 23 urban counties.
- Biggest counties (as for Aug. 1, 1939):
- Wilno - Troki county (area 5 967 sq. km.),
- Luniniec county (area 5 722 sq. km.),
- Kowel county (area 5 682 sq. km.).
- Smallest counties (as for Aug. 1, 1939):
- Warszawa-Srodmiescie (mid-Warsaw), (area 10 sq. km.),
- city of Bielsko, (area 10 sq. km.),
- city of Gniezno, (area 18 sq. km.).
- Most populous counties:
- city of Lodz county (pop. 604 600),
- Warszawa-North county (pop. 478 200),
- Katowice county, (pop. 357 300).
- Least populous counties:
- city of Bielsko county, (pop. 25 400),
- city of Gniezno, (pop. 30 700),
- Miedzychod county, (pop. 31 000).
- Maly rocznik statystyczny 1939, Nakladem Glownego Urzedu Statystycznego, Warszawa 1939 (Concise Statistical Year-Book of Poland, Warsaw 1939).