Policía Federal Argentina

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Policía Federal Argentina
PFA's official seal
Creation: 1821 (in 1943 today's PFA was created)
Chief: Commissioner-Major Néstor Vallecca
Sub-Chief: Commissioner-Major Jorge Oriolo
Location: Moreno St. 1650
Buenos Aires
Motto: Al servicio de la comunidad
English: To serve the community
Phone: 54 11 4378-5800/4346-7000/4809-6100

The Policía Federal Argentina (PFA; in English Argentine Federal Police) is a nationwide police force, it is the federal police agency of Argentina, with detachments in each of the country's provinces, with a jurisdiction and organization similar to the United States' FBI. Because of this, most routine police work is carried out by the provincial police (equivalent to state police in the United States), with the exception of the capital city of Buenos Aires, where the PFA also assumes the role of the local police.


[edit] History

PFA officers
PFA officers

The history of this police force starts in 1580 and is divided in three stages. The first one includes the Policía de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires Police), for the first three hundred years up to 1880. The second stage (1880-1943) corresponds to the Policía de la Capital (Police of the Capital), and the last one to the present PFA (since 1943).

[edit] General Organization

The PFA is subordinate to the Ministry of Interior. The organization is headed by the Chief of the PFA, the Commissioner-General (Comisario General) Néstor Vallecca, assisted by the Sub-Chief of the PFA, the Commissioner-General Jorge Oriolo.

The PFA's main facility,known as the Departamento Central de Policía, is located at 1650 Moreno Street, Buenos Aires.

The organization of the PFA is as follows:

  • Jefatura (Headquarters)
  • Subjefatura (Subheadquarters)
  • Superintendencias (Superintendeces)
      • Superintendencia de Administración (Superintendence of Administration)
      • Superintendencia de Bienestar (Superintendence of Welfare)
      • Superintendencia Federal de Bomberos (Federal Superintendence of Firemen)
      • Superintendencia de Interior (Superintendence of Interior)
      • Superintendencia de Investigaciones Federales (Superintendence of Federal Investigations)
      • Superintendencia de Planificación y Desarrollo (Superintendence of Planning and Development)
      • Superintendencia de Seguridad Metropolitana (Superintendence of Metropolitan Security)
      • Superintendencia de Personal, Instrucción y Derechos Humanos (Superintendence of Personnel, Instruction and Human Rights)
      • Superintendencia de Policía Científica (Superintendence of Scientific Police)
      • Superintendencia de Comunicaciones (Superintendence of Communications)
    • Direcciones Generales Autónomas (General Autonomic Directorates)
      • Dirección General Autónoma de Asuntos Jurídicos (General Autonomic Directorate of Legal Affairs)
      • Dirección General Autónoma de Asuntos Internos (General Autonomic Directorate of Internal Affairs)

[edit] Police Ranks

Officer Ranks (in descending order)

Rank Approximate English translation
Comisario General Commissioner-General
Comisario Mayor Commissioner-Major
Comisario Inspector Commissioner-Inspector
Comisario Commissioner
Subcomisario Sub-commissioner
Oficial Principal Principal Officer
Oficial Inspector Inspector Officer
Oficial Subinspector Sub-inspector Officer
Oficial Ayudante Officer-Adjutant

Sub-Officer Ranks (in descending order)

Rank Approximate English translation
Suboficial Mayor Subofficer-Major
Suboficial Escribiente
Sargento Primero First Sergeant
Sargento Sergeant
Cabo Primero First Corporal
Cabo Corporal
Agente / Bombero Agent / Fireman
Aspirante Candidate

[edit] See also

[edit] External link

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