Talk:Pohang University of Science and Technology

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[edit] Thing(s) that we need to consider for later revisions

  • Any distinguished alumni or faculty?
  • Special mention about the Pohang Light Source?
  • How do we view the school's founder Ho-Kil Kim?
  • POSTECH has a leading edge in life science. How do we go about explaining this?
  • How's physics doing at POSTECH?

[edit] Revision History

December 12, 2004 (KST) Finally added the school enblem image.

December 11, 2004 (KST) Created a new article under Pohang University of Science and Technology

  • The entry Postech now redirects to Pohang University of Science and Technology. This is kind of nice, because the URL line shows Postech and the article is under the title Pohang University of Science and Technology.
  • A kind Austrailian (or New Zealand?) janitor added a category South Korean universities to the article.

December 10, 2004 (KST) Entry Postech created.

  • The proper acronym POSTECH was not used because people somehow hate a long acronym in all capitals.
  • Some kind person added the Postech article was a stub.
  • Changed entries on list of Universities in South Korea and Universities starting with P for Pohang University of Science and Technology and added links accordingly.
  • Some kind person changed the list of universities so that Pohang University of Science and Technology points to Postech.

[edit] How this thing started

There was a short discussion on POSB pointing to Wikipedia entries of South Korean Universties. Then some guy just said hey, MIT's got a great entry, why's that we don't have any? So I thought.. hmm.. why not? Anyway that's how this thing has started.

The handle Moosattack was created just for creating this entry (so that I could hide my IP info). I don't even know how the markup command goes in Wikipedia. So creating an entry will be a slow and tedious process.