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Podpułkownik (literarily sub-Regimentary, abbrev. ppłk) is a rank of Poland which corresponds to a rank of Lieutenant Colonel in other countries of the world. The symbols of the rank consist of two bars and two stars, placed both on the rogatywka cap, sleeves of the uniform and above the pocket of a battle dress.

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Flag of Poland

Polish officer ranks

  Student Officer OF(D) OF-1 OF-2 OF-3 OF-4 OF-5 OF-6 OF-7 OF-8 OF-9 OF-10
Army: por. -


kpt. maj. ppłk. płk. gen. bryg. gen. dyw. gen. broni gen. marsz.
Polish Navy: por. mar. -

ppor. mar.

kapt. mar. kmdr ppor. kmdr por. kmdr kadm. wadm. adm. fl. adm.
Polish Air Force: por. -


kpt. maj. ppłk. płk. gen. bryg. gen. dyw. gen. broni gen.
Historical equivalents: rotm. gen. armii
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