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What is a pocketbike?

A pocket bike is a miniature version of a Grand Prix (GP) motor bike. GP motos are the ones you see racing on the television. Anyway, pocket bike's are just smaller versions of the real thing. And they can go really fast, reaching speeds of up to 80 mph, and will go much faster in the next few years of development by manufacturers.

There are two main types of pocket bikes: European ones, and Chinese ones. Basically, the European ones came first and then manufacturers in China started building them too. Often, Chinese pocket bikes are absolute part-for-part replicas of the European ones. Like, for example, the Pollini 911 replica.

The main difference between the Chinese replicas and the original European pocket bikes, is that the Chinese ones are way cheaper. A European-built and designed pocket bike with the works, the most powerful engines and all the best high-performance parts, can cost you up to $5,000. Whereas, a decked out Chinese pocket bike with all the top performance parts will only cost about $1,000. But you don't even have to spend that much to get an insanely fast Chinese pocket bike. $500-$600 will see you the proud of a super-quick, water-cooled Chinese replica.

What is a cag?

Cag basically means: Chinese pocket bike. It's a way of distinguishing between the European pocket bikes and the Chinese ones. A few years ago, if you heard someone say, "I just bought a Cag," you knew they meant that they just purchased a Chinese pocket bike.

But the definition has been added too. Everyone used to refer to Chinese pocket bikes in general, as "Cags," because, as you know, there are no official brand names on the bikes. So the name Cag just stuck, and meant any Chinese pocket bike.

But now days, there are also newer water-cooled pocket bikes. The water cooled ones are all clones of European pocket bikes (almost part-for-part). So when someone is referring to a water cool pocket bike, they usually say, "I've got an XYZ Replica." And so, the word Cag, is now used mostly describe all the originally and earlier air-cooled Chinese pocket bikes, only.

Cag Models

Cagllari or Straight-Arm - This was the first model to hit the market. A GP design and a rigid frame.

Lucky 7 or Rear Swing Arm - This is the latest model that is the most popular that has a detachable swing arm and better frame.

Additional Links
- Racejuice.org (A technical pocketbike resource)