Plymouth High School for Girls

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[edit] Introduction

PHSG Crest
PHSG Crest

Plymouth High School for Girls is over 125 years old and is located on St Lawrence Road in Plymouth, Devon, England close to Mutley Plain and also Plymouth's city centre. Its current Head Mistress is Mrs Martin who took the role in 1998 replacing Mrs Stogall. She will be leaving Summer 2007. For an interim period the school was led by Mr Holden. It includes a 6th form college and caters for pupils from yr 7 (age 11) up to yr 13 (age 18) and is a grammar school requiring students to pass the 11+ in order to gain entry.

The key aim of the school is to "Promote, achieve and celebrate the highest possible standards in all forms of achievement, throughout the school, and particularly in the specialist subjects: Mathematics, Science, Design Technology and Information Communication Technology".

Address: St Lawrence Road, Plymouth. PL4 6HT

Telephone: 01752 208308

Fax: 01752 208309


[edit] History of the school

The school has seen many expansions. It was once (apparently) surrounded by green fields and was moved to its current location in the late 1900s. In recent years it has seen the building of the Newman Hall and Science block, the Metcalf building (in 1997), the opening of the 6th form centre, and the gym (opened 2004).

Plymouth High School for Girls has an Old Girls association that meets twice a year; once at the school in the autumn, and a dinner in the spring. As this web site is in the early stages of development, please call the school on 01752 208308 for the Old Girls Association Committee contact phone numbers. The member of staff designated as the PHS link to the Old Girls is Mrs. Cowan

[edit] International Links

The school has an amnesty international club for pupils, an international group and is linked with Ahantaman secondary school in Ghana. The international group consists of girls from all backgrounds including Greek, Zimbabwean, Polish, Bangladeshi and Armenian.

[edit] Uniform

The girls wear navy blue skirts all year round. A striped blue and white tie is worn but the girls are free to wear a v-neck blouse with no tie in the summer. The Year 11 student leaders have a lighter plain blue tie to show their position within the school. There is no blazer but sweatshirts are worn with the school's crest on, as well as fleeces and cotton jumpers, though recently debates have taken place whether to change this to trousers and a blazer.

[edit] The School

The school has 4 houses:

House Colour Info
Antony Green Named after Alice Antony, the schools first pupil
Kendall Blue Named after the schools first head mistress
Latimer Yellow Named after the architect who designed the main building
Temple Red Named after the Vicar who founded Plymouth High School For Girls

Each house has elected house captains and compete in regular house events:

  • Sports Day (usually taking place in the summer)
  • Swimming Gala (also usually occurring in the summer term)
  • Music festival
  • Science festival
  • Drama festival
  • Gym and Dance festival (previously the gym festival occurring in the winter term)
  • There are also House Netball, Tennis and Science competitions

The School Motto is Non Scholae sed vitae discimus translated into For life, not school we learn and was also the name of the school song which became abolished under the regime of Mrs Martin. The School uniform is Navy Blue and features the school crest. It used to consist of a hat, an example of which can be seen in the Plymouth Museum. The crest is made up of 4 symbols displayed equally on a shield-shape crest and include:

1)an owl, for wisdom

2) a bee hive, to show the busy working of its students (like bees)

3) an emblem of the school's initials

4) four temples, which feature on the crest and flag of Plymouth

An art competition called the 'Glow worm' is held within the school each month and all pupils can enter with any form of artwork they have created. A theme is given each month and the next is chosen by the winner(s) of the previous month. Past themes have included Kings and Queens, Time, Fish, the City, Freedom and Music.

[edit] League Tables

Background Information

Total number of pupils (all ages) 790 Number of pupils on roll with SEN, with statements 3 Percentage of pupils on roll with SEN, with statements 0.4% Number of pupils on roll with SEN, but without statements 0 Percentage of pupils on roll with SEN, but without statements 0.0%

Cohort Information and Results for students aged 15 at start of the school year

Number of students aged 15 129 Number of 15 year old pupils with SEN with statements 0 Percentage of 15 year old pupils with SEN with statements 0.0% Number of 15 year old pupils with SEN without statements 0 Percentage of 15 year old pupils with SEN without statements 0.0% % in age group obtaining the equivalent of Level 2 (5 or more grades A*-C) 93% % in age group obtaining the equivalent of Level 1 (5 or more grades A*-G) 99% % in age group with at least an entry level qualification 99% Average total point score per 15 year old 439.8

Year 11

Number of pupils in Year 11 129 % achieving Level 2 (equivalent of 5 or more grades A*-C) 94%

GCSE and equivalent results over time

% of 15 year old pupils achieving 5 or more grades A*-C - 2001 95%

% of 15 year old pupils achieving 5 or more grades A*-C - 2002 97%

% of 15 year old pupils achieving 5 or more grades A*-C - 2003 95%

% of 15 year old pupils achieving 5 or more grades A*-C - 2004 93%

% of students who achieved at least a GCSE/GNVQ - 2001 99%

% of students who achieved at least a GCSE/GNVQ - 2002 100%

% of students who achieved at least a GCSE/GNVQ - 2003 99%

% of students who achieved at least an entry level qualification - 2004 99%

KS2 to Age 15 Value Added

Measure centred on 1000 - VA measure based on progress between KS2 and age 15 1004.0 Coverage - % of 15 year old students included in VA calculation 97% Average number of GCSE (and equivalent) qualifications taken by students in VA calculation 9.6

KS3 to Age 15 Value Added

Measure centred on 1000 - VA measure based on progress between KS3 and age 15 1003.3 Coverage - % of 15 year old students included in VA calculation 98%

Other specified VQs or units

Number of 15 year olds studying for Other Qualifications 129 % achieving qualification or units attempted 99%


Number of day pupils of compulsory school age 623

% of half days missed due to authorised absence 5.5%