Plautia Urgulanilla

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Plautia Urgulanilla (fl. first century) was the first wife of the future Roman Emperor Claudius. They married around 9, when Claudius was 18 years old. According to Suetonius, they divorced in 24 on grounds of adultery by Plautia and suspicion of her involvement in the murder of her sister-in-law.

Her father was Marcus Plautius Silvanus, a general who was consul for the year 2 BC. Urgulanilla was named for her grandmother, Urgulania, a close friend of Livia.

She gave birth to a son, Claudius Drusus, and a daughter, Claudia, who was born five months after the divorce. As Claudia was widely known to be the illegitimate daughter of the freedman Boter, Claudius repudiated the child and had her laid at Urgulanilla's doorstep [1]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Suetonius. Claud. 27.

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